Oh word

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Keith p.o.v
Word on the street is that Zoe messing with bryshere

Me: morning y'all

Woody: ehh

I started changing the prices on the pants

Woody: y'all hear that bullshit about Zoe

Luke: mhm

Me: I wonder why her ass doing that

Bryshere ain't no joke..I'm surprised he ain't kill her yet but ayy

Woody: all these females want is money

Ryan: not me

Luke: besides yo ass ry

Me: true true-

Algee: y'all out here chit chatting

He was walking down the stairs

Algee: we got customers outside

Woody looked at him then out the window

Woody: like ten people but okay

Me: (laughs)

Ryan: y'all petty for that

Algee; very petty

The customers came in and Algee was all in that damn phone

Ryan: algee this lady said she wants a refund

Luke: we don't do refunds

Me: who said that
End p.o.v

Algee p.o.v
This stealing ass nigga

Woody: you in ya feelings bro

I looked up at him

Me: huh why

Luke: cause yo boo is with bry-

Me: yo ass a snitch

Luke: I didn't do shit

Ryan: hey you guys let's all just calm-

Me: don't tell me to calm down Ryan

Ryan: okay ( snaps fingers) miss sassy

Woody: oop..
End p.o.v

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