Treat part 2

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Algee p.o.v
First Luke lied to me. Second they tryna kill my daddy can this day get any worse

Me: we get anymore customers

Woody: nah he was the last one

I shook my head and looked at the clock

Me: iight I'm shutting it down

Keith: what you can't j-

Me: go home or go hangout

Luke: you sure gee-

Me: yeah I'm sure

Keith: Luke can you drop me off somewhere

Luke: yeah bro

They walked out the back

Me: what yo ass still doing here

Woody: oh I'm just waiting for Ryan (smiles)

Did I hear that right? He's waiting for Ryan! Hmm didn't I tell her ass to say away from my niggas?!

Woody: you okay Algee

Me: nah cause see like Ryan's not going with you

Ryan: huh what are y'all talking about (grabs purse)

Woody: nothing imma go wait in the car

Now it's just me and her all alone in my store

Me: anyway remember we had to talk about ya know ( scratches head)

Ryan: Algee we're grown! We had sex okay-

Me: and I know it wasn't a mistake but look I-

Ryan gave me a blank expression

Ryan: yeah true..well I gotta go

She left me
End p.o.v

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