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Algee p.o.v
Everything is great now like thank god

Luke: ay Algee you coming man

Me: yeah I'll be out soon

I glanced over the shop one last time before shutting the lights off

Luke: come on gee let's gooo

Me: iight iight I'm coming

I locked up the shop and hopped into his car

Woody: nigga you was taking forever

Me: no I wasn't

Keith: we've been in this car for two hours man

Me: oh

Luke: can Y'all shut up I'm tryna drive

Woody: (smacks lips)

Keith put his headphones back in and rolled his eyes at him

Me: I can't wait to eat this food though

Woody: me too

Luke: same bro same
End p.o.v

Ryan p.o.v
Amandla and I cooked up some gumbo for the guys..these niggas ate it like wild animals

Woody: this is soo good

Keith: stop talking with ya mouth full

Luke: Keith shut up

Amandla: soo y'all ain't gonna say thank you

Algee; thank you bald head

I giggled a little

Amandla: your welcome midget

Me: yeah..y'all gotta clean this up though

Woody: but ain't that yo job

Keith: ignore him ry we will do it

Me: okay

Amandla and I sat back watching the boys enjoy their selfs
End p.o.v

Go read wonder!! There's more of Algee and Ryan in that book too-Author out❤️

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