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Woody p.o.v
At work bored as shit

Me: did gee come in yesterday

Keith: nahh I hope he's okay

Luke: same bro

I went back looking out the window

Ryan: here comes ol girl

Everyone in the store eyes was on Zoe

Luke: welcome to bbj

She walked up to me

Me: how can I help you ma'am

Zoe: woody I want to know why you broke my baby's hand

Me: I don't know what yo ass talking about

Zoe: oh really nigga

She went to the mic in the store and pressed on it

Zoe: just soo y'all know Elijah owns the store not mr Smith

Keith: someone get this crazy bitch out of here
End p.o.v

Algee p.o.v
I walked into my store and saw my ex arguing with Ryan

Me: yooo

I got in between them

Me: what the hell is going on

Ryan: this bitch out here spreading lies

Zoe: gee she tried to hit me

I pushed Zoe off of me

Me: you need to leave like right now

Zoe: or what Algee

I looked at Keith

Keith: imma call the police on yo ass

She gave me the middle finger and walked out. I yelled get back to work and took Ryan to my office

Me: this I- why were you arguing infront of customers

Ryan: are you serious? You worried a-

I cut her off by kissing her
End p.o.v

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