Lauryn hill

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Ryan p.o.v
At work talking to Luke

Me: Luke I wanna ask you something

Luke: yeah

Me: what happened upstairs with you and Algee last night

Luke put a shirt down

Luke: we squashed our beef with bryshere

Me: oh so that's why Algee happy around here now

Luke: yeah I remember seeing this nigga happy was back in high school

Me: well damn I bet that was a long time ago

I started laughing but he didn't

Luke: did you think that joke was funny ry

Me: imma go put these poster

Luke: yeah you go do that
End p.o.v

Luke p.o.v
I mean we beat that nigga ass and shit but it's dead to me

Algee: what artist y'all want to listen to

Keith: Lauryn hill

Me: nigga I was about to say that

Algee: iight

He turned on some lauryn hill and went back talking to a customer

Woody: Ryan has anyone told you. You look like her

Ryan: I get that a lot bu-

Me: we dead serious you look exactly like her

Ryan: well thank guys

Me: your welcome

Keith: nah she don't look like it

Algee: why soo negative Keith
End p.o.v

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