Say part 2

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Elijah p.o.v
I bumped into his new bitch today

Me: Ryan destiny right

Ryan: oh hi Elijah

She gave me the stink eye

Me: it's funny he didn't mention y'all was together

Ryan: well we are

Zoe popped up out of nowhere

Zoe: what's going on over here

Me: oh I'm just talking to his new bitch

Ryan: boy I ain't no bitch

Zoe laughed at her ass

Zoe: I must say Algee has a type

Ryan: aww well t-

Zoe: it wasn't a compliment shorty

Me: anyway tell Algee I said blue

Zoe and I got back into the car

Zoe: what the hell does blue mean

Me: you will see
End p.o.v

Algee p.o.v
My baby told me something about blue?

Keith: what the hell does blue mean

Woody: shit I don't know

Woody backed away from the window

Ryan: well then don't worry about it bae

Me: I guess I won't

Customers were buying a lot of shit today which was odd. Cause we never get a lot of money!

Luke: gee come here

He pulled me to the side

Luke: nigga blue means he's gonna do a-

Out of nowhere we heard tires screech and gunshots coming our way

Me; everybody get the fuck down

Bullets came into my shop messing up posters and clothes. The windows shattered and people were screaming. Damn man damn!

Me: (mumbles) a drive by

Woody: everyone good

Everyone was good

Ryan: Algee get ya need to go ahead and kill these niggas already

Me: look at my fucking store

Keith: (on the phone) hi I would like to report a shooting that happened in San Diego

Me: fuuck
End p.o.v

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