Roommate part 2

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Ryan p.o.v
I know there little secret by the way

Keith: imma just gonna-

He ran straight over to another customer

Me: girl you got him scared out here

Amandla laughed

Amandla: I came here to tell you I need rent money

Me: oooh okay

I gave her fifty bucks

Me: don't spend it on no shoes

Amandla: trust me I won't Ryan

Algee: could y'all stop gossiping we got customers

Amandla: what's up his ass

Me: girl I don't know he ac-

Amandla: that nigga acting like a bitch

Luke: oooouuuuueh

Algee turned around so fast

Algee: what the hell did this bal-

Amandla: I said yo-

Keith: yall chill..chill

Keith grabbed amandla hand and took her ass outside

Woody: welp I got my morning drama for today

Luke: y'all straight

Algee whispered in my ear and said "Don't bring that hood rat back in here again."

Me: mhmm everything is fine

Algee: okay soo who asked for the red shirt

I swear this nigga is cold as ice
End p.o.v

Keith p.o.v
Ryan needs to control her roommate

Amandla: let me go back in there and beat his little midget ass

Me: you need to chill

Amandla rolled her eyes at me

Me: keep rolling them and imma-

Amandla: bye Keith bye

She started crossing the street and I was just watching her

Me: why she gotta be soo-

Woody: soo what was y'all talking about

He lit his blunt up

Me: oh nothing

Woody: mhm she had her hand in ya face boy

Me: Woodward shut up

Woody: that ain't my fucking name Kevin
End p.o.v

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