Brothers keeper

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Keith p.o.v
After that shit with bryshere a week ago and the drive by I gotta tell Algee what's going on with me. Anyway we at my crib chillin

Algee: man that bald headed bitch gonna kick me out of Ryan's room

Me: um her name is amandla bro

Algee: and um I don't give a fuck


Algee: whoaaa chill nigga

I started to bounce my leg

Algee: Keith you scaring me

Me: well you pissin me the hell off

Algee: sorry I didn't mean to say that about ya girl

Me: she ain't my girl yet

He looked at me confused

Me: (sighs) I give her sex..she gives me money

Algee: soo you a prostitute Keith

Me: no she's the only one

Algee: damn no wonder you be acting funny in public when she's around

Me: yeah but promise you won't tell Luke or woody

Algee: on my mama I won't tell

Me: iight

I got up from my white couch and called amandla
End p.o.v

Amandla p.o.v
Who the hell is calling me

Me: hello

Keith: hey it's Keith

Me: sup-

Keith: you done thinking about ya know

Me: oh I stopped thinking about

Keith: so is that a yes that you want to be serious now

Me: it will only be a yes if you take me on a real ass date

Keith: bet

He hung up on me

Me: oh my god Ryan what did I just do

Ryan: you just got yo self a nigga
End p.o.v

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