Ohana ~Jamilton~

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Section 2

28: " I thought we were family!"
34: " I don't deserve to be loved. "

This is for macaroni_hoe
Hope you enjoy!

~Jefferson POV~

I sighed as he movie ended. Me and Alex had decided on watching Lilo and Stitch. An oldie but a goodie.

We were cuddling on the couch in our apartment. For once, I had gotten Alex off of his laptop. He works himself too much.

I ran my hands through Alex soft hair when he started to talk.

"Hey Thomas?" He said. Thomas hummed back. "I think I know the answer already but whats your favorite line in the movie?" I chuckled before answering him.

"Ohana means family," I said and Alex joined in.

"And family means nobody gets left behins or forgotten," we said in unison.

"We're family right?" he asked.

"Of course!" I replied and held him closer to me. We both fell asleep there, in each ohers arms.

~Time skip~

When I woke up in the morning, Alex was gone. I figured that he went to the bathroom or something.

I made my way into our kitchen to make some coffee when I saw Alex hunched over his laptop, typing up a storm.

"Alex, what are you doing?" I sighed in annoyance. He promised me last night that he would try and spend more time with me today.

"Im working. I'm sorry. I know that I said I would spend time with you but I cant. Maybe next time ok hun?" He said, never turning around or taking his eues of the screen.

"Yeah but- but when was the last time we went out on a date somewhere!? We havent gotten to spend any time at all together because you work too much!" Thomas yelled. This made Alex finally tear his eyes away from the screen.

"Oh, so do you want me to work too little?" he mumbled in a small voice.

"Ugh no! its just-" I couldt find the right words. "I thought we were family! But i guess not because you forgot about me."

I shook my head as I started to walk towards the door.

"Wait! Thomas. Stop please!" I heard Alex exclaim behind me. Then I shut the door.

I but my lip and thought of places to go. Finally, I decided that I could crash in Laf and Herc's apartment. I made my way over there and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later the door opened, revealing a sleepy Herc.

"Oh hey Thomas... What are you doing here?" He said sleepily and let me in. I saw Laf seated on the couch, with a blanket thrown around him.

"Mon amie! Bonjour!" He said happily. I sighed and sat on one of their chairs. "Whats wrong?"

Then the tears came.

~Time skip~

The next few days went in a blur. (Or maybe he author is just lazy...) According to Laf and Herc, I had stayed there for 3 days, crying my heart out.

By the third day, I was back on my feet and could function again. Herc had talked me into talking to Alex again eventhough I didnt want to. They were both a godsend. Without them I wouldve never gotten through this.

Around noon, I said my goodbyes and made my way back to our apartment. I held my breath and closed my eyes.

Then I walked in and shocked by what I saw.

The apartment had a faint smell of alcohol. That made me worried. Alex never drank unless we were going to a bar with our friends or there was a celebration.

"Alex?" I said softly and walked slowly in. I heard faint sobbing coming from our bedroom.

When I opened the door to the room, I gasped quietly. There Alex was, in the corner surrounded by beer bottles.

I could tell that he was crying by his bloodshot eyes and his sniffles. His hair was a mess and he was still wearing the clothes from the day of our fight. (Thomas had extra clothes at lafs house. Why? uh, magic)

"I should have never left you alone." I whispered and slowly made my way ober to him, tip toeing over all the bottles.

"N-no. Go away. P-please. You deserve bet-tter. You really do," he was able to gasp between sobs.

What did I do? I shouldve never left him alone, I knew better than that. But it was what Alex said next that shocked Thomas.

"I dont deserve to be loved."

"No, dont say that. Please," I said and crouched down to face him.

"I'm sorry. T-this is all my fau-," He started to say but I cut him off by pulling him in to a tight hug.

"I missed you. None of this was your fault," I assured him and buried my head into his neck. He did the same and bursted into another round if tears.

I picked his smol body up and gently placed him on the bed. Then I got in with him and pulled him closer to me. Not a word was said between us but we both knew that we forgave each other.

That was all that mattered.


hoped you guys like this!

Lilo and stitch is one of my FAVORITE movies!!!!!

and THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR 250 VIEWS!!! this has only been up for a few days!!!



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