Tattoos {Jamilton}

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I got this idea during school btw.

~Alex POV~

"Hey, babe..."

My eyes fluttered open. It took them a few seconds to focus on the figure above me.

Thomas, my boyfriend.

His fluffy hair and his amazing smile became more focused. God, he was magnificent.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I fixed the position of my head in Thomas' lap and looked up at him groggily.

"Alex, how bout we do that thibg where couples choose tattoos for each other?" he asked, a big grin lighting up his face. How could I say no to that?

"A-are you sure Thomas? Do you really want a tattoo? I-it's a g-great idea! But I dont want t-to choose the wrong one," I whispered, my voice still not ready to speak louder after taking a nap. My stutter was still prominent from a few years ago.

"There's no wrong tattoo. Dont worry!" Thomas assured and ran his hands through my hair, making me a little more sleepy.

I hummed in response as my eyes drifted close again.

~Time skip to the day that theyre getting the tattoo cause im hella lazy~

After a month of looking at tattoo parlors in the area, we finally found the right one. The place was only a block away which meant that we could walk there.

"So w-what are you gonna get me? At least g-give me a hint!" I asked eagerly and nudged Thomas' side playfully. He looked at me, one eyebrow raised and a lopsided grin on his face.

"I know exactly what I'm getting you but I'm not saying anything!" he laughed and squeezed my hand. "How about you? What are you getting me?"

"I was t-thinking a big mac and ch-cheese noodle on your bicep!" I joked but on the inside, I was panicking. I still hadnt chosen anything for Thomas' tattoo and time was running out.

There were too many choices. Too many possibilities. I had to pick out the perfect one. Something that expressed how perfect he was in everyway, shape, and form.

Suddenly, the idea hit me. I knew exactly what to do. Thomas loved astrology, especially horoscopes. He was an Aries.

I would do the constellation on his wrist and then a small symbol of an aries underneath. (I always write the Capricorn symbol on my wrist cause i love horoscopes)

 (I always write the Capricorn symbol on my wrist cause i love horoscopes)

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(somethin like this except the lil "v" thing is on the bottom)

Soon enough, I spotted the tattoo parlor. We stepped inside and were greeted by the quiet whirring sound of the pen inking things. (Ya know??? the things they use to tattoo people?? i dont know theyre called)

Two people greeted us and we explained our idea to them. Each tattooist talked to us individually so that we could explain our own ideas to them. I explained my horoscope idea to her and she excitedly agreed.

Afterwards, we each got our tattoos, Thomas going first. His head was turned away from his wrist so he couldnt see but I could see just fine. It looked great.

When it was my turn, I talked to Thomas nonstop to distract myself from the pain. It was a dull pain but it was there nonetheless. I was so absorbed with what I was talking about with Thomas that I didnt even know what shape the tattoo was. All i knew was that it was on my ring finger.

Each of the workers covered our tattoo with a cloth and they took us to a seating area. Me and Thomas sat opposite from each other, grins on our faces.

"1, 2, 3!" We counted together and lifted the cloths simultaneously. Before I could look at what I got, I heard Thomas gasp, causing me to look up.

He had his hand to his mouth and was starig at his tattooed wrist.

"Like it?" I asked, a smirk growing on my face. He nodded, tears in his eyes and leaned over to hug me tight.

Suddenly, he let me go and motioned to my hand. I looked down and saw a small band of black words around my finger.

"Best of husbands and best of men"

They wrapped around my finger, forming a ring around it.

I processed the words a few more times.


...Does that mean?

I gasped at the realization. My eyes started to tear up as I saw Thomas get up from his seat and kneel down. He took my hand and held it tightly.

"Marry me?" he whispered. I tried to speak but for once, I was speechless.

I nodded my head and tackled him with a kiss, tears were streaming down both of our faces. The rest of the people in the shop were clapping.

When we broke apart, I looked down at my new tattoo again, rubbing it fondly.

"There was no way for you to say no. It's already tattooed on your hand!" Thomas pointed out causing me to laugh.

"No matter what you would've done, I would've said yes."





*thomas voice*




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