1.4 Death

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Death, why does it bring people together? I always thought of it as something that ripped family apart.

When Dylan and I were friends, she told me about her family. They didn't talk for seven years. When her grandpa died, everything flipped. Half the family stopped talking and the other half, the half they hadn't seen for 7 years came back into their lives.

They were all happier, the kids were all grown up, and there had been many things that had happened.

Family is weird that way. We work things out and fix everything, and other times, they will never forgive.

Waiting, all we are doing is waiting. Through the night things only got worse for Cory. The doctors rushed in a few times, they are constantly checking him, and they even have a meeting set up with my parents in a few minutes.

Important information needs a meeting nowadays, that and the hospitals need more doctors, and more space.

Even though a part of me has always known Cory wouldn't get through this, it didn't make things any easier. When people say cancer, it's seen as death. It's 2017's black plague the only difference is that it's not spreading like wildfire.

Shawn hasn't said much, he just looks at me occasionally, and grabs my hand, rubs my knee. I have fallen sleep on his shoulder quite a few times. Even though he doesn't say anything. He is holding me together.

I can't example it, but Shawn is the thing keeping me grounded though all this. I can tell he feels helpless, and that he can't help me, but he us, he really is.

I knew what the doctors are going to say, this happened with Dylan's Grandpa. The meeting was to tell them that he was dead, that only the machines were keeping him alive.

After a few moments they would move on, and discuss the options the family had.

The options were basically keep just the heartbeat alive or nothing alive. We couldn't have anything more than the moment and sound of his heart.

We didn't get the option of him smiling, talking or laughing, breathing on his own or trying to hold his breath, him sad or him happy.

I knew my parents would come back with It's time to say our goodbyes. How do you say your goodbyes to someone who has always been a part of your life?

I can't remember being small, so Cory was always there. He was in every memory that I did have, or he was in the background. I would always think about what it would be like when he brought a date home.

I would wonder what kind of car he would buy and if he would even like driving, where he would get his first job. When he had his first kiss, his first dance, and when we would graduate. How his kids would be, and how we would all get alone.

His two girls would come shopping with me. For some reason I didn't have kids, but I loved Cory's kids. We would laugh and smile when people mistook me as their mom.

I would buy them candy, and everything they wanted. I would spoil them and have them so high on sugar by the time they got home. Cory would always get mad, but would get over it.

But again none of this would happen, because Cory was going to die.

The doctor came in a smiled, not a happy smile nor a sad one. More like a friendly one, or hello type of smile. My father noticed her standing before my mom did.

"Is it time for out meeting?" My dad asked as my mother faced the doctor as well.

"Yes, I knew you would be in here, so I thought I would just stop by and we could walk their together." She smiled.

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