2.5 For

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For Sammy was written on the box. I picked it up and placed it onto my bed. It was light but fairly big. There was no shipping importation, the only thing on the box was my name and tape to keep it closed.

Shawn did tell me he had sent my grad gift about a week ago maybe this was it. I stare at it, wondering why it could be. That was always my favorite part about Christmas, the wondering. It was magic that you couldn't find anywhere else.

Your family was around, they were the ones that knew you best, better than you knew your self. After the wondering, you got to see their wonder and their excitement. Then the wonder would come back around.

With Cory, the wonder never left, not after the present, not after the snow had melted, not in summer, he always wondered and he always smiled.

I kept looking at the box, usually, Shawn would ask me every day after he sent it, if I had received it or not, he wishes he could see my wonder. He was always more excited than I was, but this one was different. He only mentioned it the one time. There wasn't even a conversation.

What was so different?

I would like to think it was because of Cory, but Shawn he tried to keep the little things the same. He wanted to try an pretend that some things were normal, even though everything had changed. I needed that though, I needed to b able to pretend, until he would be okay enough, to talk about.

so I stare, I don't open it, because then the wonder is gone, and I need the little things, I need the wonder to stay like Cory's did.

A knock at my door, I look up to see my dad,

"Hey, Kiddo." He smiles as he walks in.


"I forgot what your room looked like." He said as he looked around. He has been in another city with my little brother. he hasn't really been able to spend much time with me, which I understood.

"I properly changed it."

"Yeah, you could have, but I guess that's not really what I meant. It's not so much the room, it's you. I forgot how similar we were. You like the old music, the indie rock, just indie, just anything that you want to listen to. You've art, but in a different way, the same way as I do."

"What way?"

"Body art, tattoos."


"Ink" he laughed "You love street art, you just love the art that Is real, that means something. and you know maybe it means nothing, but it means more than the people that just copy and draw famous people."

"Street art, is an expression that means something to somebody at some point. You get in shit if your caught but they do it anyway because they need people to see it. They don't do it to get comments and likes and ... credit, they don't do it for money. They do it without signing their name most times, they get no money. They do it for the art because that's all it's about.

"We see the world a very similar way."

"what about ink?"


"I can self-express without permanently hanging my body as mom would say."

"You lose pieces of paper, you lose many things that express your self. Ink doesn't go away, you wear it like you wear your clothes, you. it's you."

"I guess we see everything the same."

"Not everything."

I looked at him with a confused look, waiting for him to explain. He starred at me and smirked, not like a smile but a disappointment smirk, only he wasn't disappointed, just awkward.


"There are two things, one ... are you going to the photo school."

I huffed, laughing, but not really laughing.

"After I read the letter, I knew I had to go. I thought it was what Cory would have wanted, but he only wanted it because I wanted it. I can't go, I want to but I can't. I thought of every possibility and I know you won't believe me but it's true. Toronto is so expensive, even though I have a full ride, they said that their individual dorms are booked up. I would have to be a roommate, and I don't want to do that. They said usually a scholarship gets the room, but because Cory's letter was late, they didn't actually have spots left and they saw my work so they added in. I can't afford to live there, dad."

"So you called them?"


"Okay, that shows your actually interested. That's good, I am happy you thought about it. You have Three months until classes start. Two months until you have to sing up fro classes, we can figure it out. Don't count it out."

"Dad, three months isn't going to help, We cannot afford it as a family. It's okay."

He signed and just looked at me. If he gave me a dollar for every thought that was running through his mind, I would have enough to buy a house in Toronto.

"What's the other thing?"


"You said there were two things we didn't see the same."



"Open the box, Sammy, stop staring at it. I will figure out the money thing, don't worry about it. Look at the classes." He walked out without saying anything else. My dad had always been a superhero, even when his powers had run out.

I stand from my bad and grab my phone and pair of scissors off my desk. I sit back onto my bed and take a deep breath in. Then I begin to open the box.

I keep it closed as much as possible as I ripped off the tape, I want the surprise to last forever, I need to keep the wonder as Lon as I can.

I put the scissors down then place my Han instead the box without looking. Soft, small pieces, plastic feeling, but soft. I pull my hand out, then close the box again.

Staring at it for a few more minutes until I finally open it. The box is filled with fake roses. I smile and shake my head.

"What the hell."

I search through the box, so many roses, and one envelope. The word roses written in Shawn's writing  When I first open it, I think it's letter, but as I read, I realize they are lyrics.

I pick up my phone and dial Shawn's number ... ringing ... ringing ... voicemail.

"Hey Shawn, I got your gift today. I love it it's adorable. Like the lyrics, but I think hearing the song would be much much better. I am little confused though, is the song my gift or are you just been a jerk because you won't let me hear it." I laughed "I know whatever you're doing right now is probably amazing, just call me back after, and tell me all about it... talk to you soon."

The last words always seem to break my heart, and type of goodbye breaks my heart.

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