Chapter Two: College.

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Chapter Two: College. (EDITED)

It had been seven years since the accident.

Seven years since the woman they found in the forest-Maria Kenwood-befriended Eliseo and Perla. Knowing her family and getting to spend a lot of time together, made her like family to them.

Seven years since he found the necklace he never took off to this day.

Seven years since he saw The Moon Devil.

The necklace's gem was a phenomenal thing due to the resemblance it bore to a mood ring one would find most popular before his time. Through the years, Eliseo saw it change its color from pink, to blue, yellow, green, orange, and so many more. He always thought it was related to the werewolf. After all, it was the one who lost it.

It was the last day for Eliseo with his family because he planned to go to another city for college. He woke up at three in the morning; wanting to leave before saying goodbye to his mother and sister because he always hated goodbyes. The moon shined throw the glass of his window, reminding him of the Moon Devil; how beautiful that tiny creature was and how much he wanted to see it again and ask him questions that spun his own head; questions about werewolves, mythical creatures, and so much more.

He stood up slowly and stretched. Eliseo looked at the corner of his room-where he put his luggage last night-to make sure he took everything with him. He exited the room with a last glance before entering the bathroom aligned across his room.

As he entered, he took off his clothes and entered the tub, turning on the water.
When he had finished washing his hair and body, he took a towel and wrapped it around his waist.

As Eliseo stood in front of the mirror, he saw his reflection. The person greeting him was a handsome young man, a mop of strawberry blonde waves upon his head and sea green eyes that matched perfectly; although, they currently were a little bloodshot from the shower. But he didn't just see a boy. He saw a man. A man that worked hard for the well build body he had today at the fear of health problems along with researching all he could about the Moon Devil; a man that a lot of girls would kill to have while other boys would kill to be.

That was, if his personality was as good as his looks.

He brushed his teeth and hair, shaved his jaw and neck, and did his business. He walked back to his room with his pajamas and got dressed, opting for a light brown pair of jeans, a blue shirt, and a simple pair of shoes.

Eliseo then heard his phone ringing in his pocket - suspecting it was most probably Maria who was supposed to take him, he ignored it - and checked himself one last time in the mirror before taking his things and hurrying down the stairs.

The second he reached the bottom, his jaw dropped with the sight before him.

He saw his mother and sister waiting at the door, both looking tired as hell while still wearing their pajamas. Once the shock wore off a little, Eliseo noticed his younger sister with a box in her hands full of his favorites; cookies. They were the kind no store could ever compete with because his mother and sister made them at home themselves.

Eliseo smiled and took the box from Perla, hugged her, then kissed her on the forehead.

"Now you be good, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," Perla snapped, trying to keep her tears at bay.

Eliseo then went to his mom and hugged her so tightly she started to feel her breath thinning, but she didn't care. She was proud Eliseo managed to get into such a good college that she chose to forgive him for planning to not say goodbye.

When he released her, Eliseo and his mom smiled at each other as tears started to roll down her face.

"I am proud of you."

His smile fell after that sentence. He didn't want to hear it from her. He wanted to hear it from him.

Yet, he wasn't there anymore.

Eliseo then walked out of his house and immediately spotted the red car of Maria and walked to it. He knocked at the back of the car, alerting Maria to open it so he could put his things in it. He put everything but a bag that had all of his personal belonging he couldn't part with. After, Eliseo closed the car's trunk, opened the door, and entered while greeting Maria.

"Good morning, Aunt Maria."

"Good morning, Leo. Ready?"


Maria was the principal in the college Eliseo went to as a thank you gift for saving her that day in the forest. She finished all the paperwork and set his roommate to be someone from his hometown so he could have a sense of familiarity in such a new place.

After meeting the Moon Devil, Eliseo and Perla went to the hospital with Maria; not wanting to leave her after what happened. They tried to cheer her up as much as they could, especially Perla. When her father came-who was the former principal to the college-he saw how the two little kids helped his daughter. The man gave them an offer of going to the college with a scholarship he provided himself.

Perla rejected while Eliseo agreed. He had no idea why Perla said no. It was Kenwood College. In other words, the college known for being the best around and anyone would've been a fool to not take such an awesome and once in a life time offer.

As Maria drove, Eliseo put on his headphones and looked out of the window. It was four in the morning and the sun hasn't risen yet. The memory of that day started to play in his head again. He made some research along with Maria and Perla about the Moon Devil. Yet, as always, Eliseo didn't find anything important.

He didn't like the idea of leaving all his research, his family, and his hometown for a college, even if it was the Kenwood College.


He needed to get his revenge.

He also hated something else.

Roomates. It had two syllables and seven letters.

He was forced to see a lot of romance movies about roommates falling in love.

He didn't want his roommate to fall for him. Never did he share his room with anyone. So, he was definitely not ready to share it with a stranger. Maybe he overreacted and everything was going to end up okay. But, still, sometimes his fears got the better of him. After all, he was human.

The music suddenly stopped. When Eliseo looked at his phone, he saw the battery was dead.

"I made Perla take it out of the charger when you were asleep," Maria said, her eyes flashing to his for a moment.


" 'Cuz ever since you finished High School you started to avoid us."

"But Aunt Maria-"

"No. From now on, you will call me Ms. Kenwood. Listen up and note everything I will tell you. Let's start with the basic rules."

'Yep,' Eliseo thought, 'this was going to be a long ride'.

After straight six hours of boring, nonstop talking, they arrived. Eliseo took his bag and went in the grand building that dominated the campus in all its glory. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around and noticed Maria standing behind him.

"You are the last to arrive ya' know. I will finish the paperwork and everything; you go to your dorm and meet your new roommate. And from now on, I want you to visit me in my office every Saturday."

He sighed, not ready to sleep with a stranger in the same room, as he shuffled to the dorm he planned to spend the next few years of his life in.

'Room 124, 125, Aha! Room 126.'

As he entered, his eyes spotted something unusual. He noticed a boy with midnight black hair donning a black jacket, white shirt, a pair of jeans and converse high tops while sitting down on one of the wooden chairs in the homey matchbox of a room. He looked at Eliseo with emotionless cognac brown eyes, warning clear in the brusque tone as his next words escaped his mouth.

"Give it back or I will slaughter you like those men back then."

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