Chapter Seven: The Journal

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Chapter Seven: The Journey

Ever since the slap, Levi started to ignore Eliseo completely. Not even a single word left Levi's mouth ever since and Eliseo couldn't care less.

"So, How is your first month here, Leo? Sorry for not trying to meet up with you at Saturdays in that month like how I promised"

"Great, Aunty--I mean principal Kenwood. My professors are excellent, My grades are too. And my roommate is literary an animal. Oh and it is okay, no need to be sorry"

"Come on, don't say that. I am sure Levi Viviana--"

"No, I am serious. He is a werewolf, the same one from seven years ago"

Maria looked at Eliseo in the eyes.

Oh god, she won't.

Maria hurried to Eliseo's and Levi's drom. Of course Eliseo sprinted after her - he promised Levi he won't tell anyone; yet, he told Maria.

As they arrived, Maria broke into the room.


He wasn't there; Yet, the sky blue journey was on his bed. As Eliseo was going to pick it up, Maria asked "Eliseo, please. Go find Levi for me, I wish to talk to him"

Eliseo - being the student there and Maria being the principal - obeyed - also, because Maria never call him by his real name. Only in the serious stations.

Eliseo went out of the room and into the corridors, he looked carelessly around - irritated that he should go and searchfor the tiny teen. He looked everywhere; yet luck is not by his side today.

As he entered the garden, he noticed that his so-called 'friends' were beating Levi up. They kicked and punched him everywhere. Blood, cuts and bruises were all over Levi; yet he seems like he doesn't mind.

He knows that if they saw the true him, they would die.

"Where is it, Viviana?" Yelled one of them, glaring sharply at Levi.

"Somewhere far away from you, Anthony."

"Don't you dare call me by my name."

Eliseo just watched them - he felt wrong - yet he didn't mind and just ambled to his drom again - he didn't want to take a part in this soon-to-be graveyard. he already knows that Levi can take care of himself and if these guys are werewolves like him, The moon devil can erase their existence.

"I didn't find him, I searched everywhere."

He demanded as he entered the room. When he looked at Maria, he noticed the journal in one of her hands, while papers and picuters in the other while her eyes were wide.

Eliseo got curious and stood next to her, making his jaw drop.

The pictures and papers - that was drawing - were all pictuer about Eliseo, but in different generations. Some of the pictures were even white and black, the papers also lookes so old. There was six of them. In each picture, Levi was standing next to him - smiling.

The journal had names, information, dates and places written on it. And the sky blue cover had the name 'The snow white wolf and the seven lives'.

"First life, Kaiden Viviana. Age was seventeen. born in 1128. Hair color was midnight black. Eye color was brown. D-Death reason, getting killed by the villagers - thinking he was the moon devil." Whispered Eliseo, but it was loud enough for Maria to hear.


The name was awfully familiar to Eliseo; yet he don't know where did he hear it before - Yes, Levi used to mistake Eliseo's name with Kaiden, but he is sure he heard that name before he even knew Levi. Cold sweat started to roll down their faces as they read a little piece of paper that was stuck in the journal.

He said I need to kill. I didn't want to. Kaiden didn't force me to.
He said I need to find a mate. I didn't want to. Kaiden didn't force me to.
He said I need to be the moon devil. I didn't want to. Kaiden..... you forced me to.

His eyes widened when he spotted his name.

"S-Seventh l-life, E-Eliseo A-Alec. Age until now is seventeen. Born in two thousand plus. Hair color is strawberry blond. Eye color is Sea green.  No D-Death reason until now, he didn't die yet." Muttered Eliseo.

"I told you to not to mess with my stuff, Eliseo"

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