Chapter Eight: Vampire-Blood Wolves

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Chapter Eight: Vampire-Blood Wolves.

They turned around and saw Levi, who was covered in blood from head to toes. Maria's eyes imminently widened "Oh my, Levi. What happened to you?!?"

"What a dirty move from you, Eliseo. Take the chance that I am being beaten up and start to mess around with my things? I never expected that from you. You didn't even try to help me."

"How did you know that I was-"

"There? Normally, A moon devil can smell the smallest scents."

"....what is this journal about? Who is Kaiden and the other people? Why is my name there?"

"None of your business, Eli"

Levi tried to take the journey. but before he reached it, Eliseo rised it above Levi. Being short, Levi couldn't reach it.

"Oh, fuck my height." said Levi as he tried to jump and take it.

"As I said, you are tiny and weak."


"You sometimes mistaken my name and say Kaiden, why? Why is his name written in this Journal? Why are all of these names written in it?"

Before Levi say anything else, his eyes widened. His nose started to sniff the air.

"They are here --- she is here"

Without Any warning. Levi took all of his personal things - only his money, since he don't have time to take the others - then he took the journal from Eliseo as he bolted out of the droom. Eliseo - being so mad that he doesn't understand a think or who are 'they' and 'she' - sprinted after him.


Levi kept sprinting until he reached the woods. The ends of his lips craved upwards when he saw the familiar area; yet, it was erased when he heard Eliseo's voice behind him.


Looking behind him, Levi - being an idiot - hit the first tree infront of him. He put his hand on the place where he got hit, he felt some liquid on it and smelt something ironic in the air.

Oh god, not now.

Before Eliseo reachs him, Levi's skin started to change and have fur all over it while his face changed into a wolf's. When he completely turned into a wolf, that is now look larger than last time. Eliseo couldn't stop wondering - why is his wolf fur white now? It used to be a jet black.

Levi put the journey in his mouth then dashed into the woods, with Eliseo chasing after him.  After a while, Eliseo lost Levi - in his damn Wolf form, he is so fucking fast. Eliseo kept searching and runningaround the woods like an idiot. He needed to know why Levi left, and why did he look so terrified. He felt something vibrate in his pocket, and when he put his hand to see what is it, it turned out to be his Phone. The ID was 'Aunty Ria' - that is what he used to call Maria before. He never changed the ID, and will never do. He put the phone to mute and ignored her calls - he is not going back without at least knowing who is 'they'.

Suddenly, Eliseo heard a voice coming from behind him. He gulped and turned around to be welcomed by what looks like six wolves - or even more. But, he recognise that kind of wolves. It is the vampire-blooded wolves, a merciless creatures that only feed on human's blood and flesh. But when he looked around, he didn't see their Alpha - who normally have a big black waterdrop-like spot on it's Forehead that is covered with red fur.

But it isn't a good thing - this means that they are just the 'exploring squad'. Then, the rest of the pack is somewhere near.

That is it.

Eliseo would die right there and then.

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