Chapter Four: "I didn't expect that..."

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Chapter Four: "I didn't Expect that...." (EDITED)

"Well then, Roomie. They announced that the classes are in one hour like..... fifty five minutes ago?"


"Oh, and by the way," stated Levi, as he got closer to Eliseo and pinned him by the neck to the wall with an inhuman force harshly, "...if you dare tell anyone about my true form, I won't hesitate to put you six feet under the ground, Eli."

Releasing Eliseo's neck, Levi went out of the room to catch his class.

"Interesting." Eliseo murmured as he hurried to his first lecture, History of Medicine.

After two hours of sitting and listening to an idiotic man talks - in reality, he was reading one of his werewolf books, trying to learn something new about The Moon Devil or in other words, Levi Viviana - he went straight to his dorm, on hopes that Levi would be there.

Yet he got his hopes too high because Levi didn't come back yet. Eliseo took this chance and started to investigate the werewolf's stuff. The werewolf didn't have something unusual. Just his ID, headphones, clothes and some money.

Finding nothing unusual, Eliseo sighed and sat on one of the beds. As he felt something hard under him, he stood up and looked under the blanket. He found a book which was more like a diary or a Journal. It had an sky-blue cover, with picture edges coming out of it.

As Eliseo planned to pick it up, his face met a strong fist. Which Made him fall on the bed. He looked up and saw Levi looking down at him, smirking.

"Oh, is little Eli curious about the big bad wolf's stuff?"

"You are the one little here, Levy."

Cutely punting, Levi childishly stuck his lower lip out and glared at Eliseo then looked away with his eyes closed.

' that really The murderous Moon Devil?' Thought Eliseo not believing the cuteness in front of him.

"Why are you lookin' at me like dat?"

"Well, because I expected the Moon Devil to be huge, strong, mature, smart and sexy man. But what I got is an tiny, weak, immature, idiotic and, well, cute brat. Also did you just say looking without the G and dat? Not that? Learn some English brat."

"Hey! I am not small, I am just short and I am still growing! Also I am sexy as hell too and- wait did you just call me cute?"

"Don't take it as a compliment, take it as an insult."

"I am taking it as an insult! Don't tell me what to do like him!" Snapped Levi, the necklace turned crimson red.

'Note, Do not make a werewolf angry. Also, the necklace is what I expected, it was a mood gem, it's color changed like the mood of its owner'

"Who is 'him'?"

"A no one," Levi exclaimed before he rushed out of the room. Yet, Eliseo saw the gem turn to the ice blue color. Eliseo got his phone out and made some research about mood gems.

He found them. Ice-blue color means fear and panic. Did just the thought of that him made the great Moon Devil scared?

Eliseo got more curious. But not only curious about the Moon Devil, but also curious about Levi Viviana, the personal life of Levi Viviana.

He then looked at the clock and blinked 'Oh, i have another lecture now...... wait what?!'

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