Chapter Five: Tutor

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Chapter Five: Tutor

As the first week past by, Eliseo knew a lot more about Levi. But he never saw that journal that Levi took from him again. Eliseo stopped investigating in Levi's stuff due to Levi knowing when he does that - Eliseo's scent get all over Levi's stuff when he 'investigate'.

Both of the males keep calling each other nicknames such as 'Eli' and 'Levy' - making each other irritated.

But in Learning, Eliseo is the 'professor's favourite' - the Excellent student. While Levi keep falling backwards - not understanding anything.

Eliseo - more than once - offered to tutor Levi; yet - as always - Levi growls and refuses - saying that he didn't need a filthy girly-named male human to teach him. Levi accepted once - just to give it a try and see how Eliseo is going to fail in tutor - the tutor end up with Eliseo rolling his eyes and looking away while Levi storming out of the dorm.

One day, the professor announced that he will make a test the following day - the test will be about all of the things they learned - making Levi sweat.

Oh he will be on the top, but backwards.

Levi feared failing - feared that THEY would show up and beat him up because of his low grades.

Oh he will feel more than humiliated because of what he will do right now.

He was wearing a red hoodie with black Adidas pants - that was his 'sleep wear' - as he was walking to Eliseo - who was sitting on his bed, wearing his white pyjamas and revising for his test the day after.

"Hey, little El- I mean Eliseo. I need your help"

"Hm? What does Levy wants from me? Warm milk before going to sleep?"

"You- No. I need -- I want you to tutor me for the up coming test"

"Wait, so you are telling to tutor you a two hours Lectures that we take daily in one night?"

"Pretty much yes"



"I offered to tutor you a lot; yet you refused. Also, I don't know if I would be able to tutor you all that in one night"

"Please I will do anything!"

"Will you answer all my quetions?"

"Wait, what?"

"What? Do you think I will tutor you for free?"

Levi only growled "Only five!"

"Well, Five is better than nothing - also I am too sleepy to argue with you right now. Deal?"


They stayed awake all night, revising and solving questions.

The next day, The ran to the class late. When they entered, everyone started to whisper.

"Why are they so miserable?"

"They did it last night, didn't they?"

"Aren't they roommates?"

"They looked like they didn't sleep at all!"

"I didn't know they are a couple!"

"Ew fagots, they will totally go to hell. How disgusting"

As they sat - next to each other - the whispers got louder and louder, until the professor entered.


Everyone went to the mute mood.

"Good, now. Let's start our test, shall we?"

As the paper took place infront of Levi, he forgot everything Eliseo taught him the night before.

As he tried to remember anything, he started to have a panic attack. After an hour - since this spposed to be a two hours test - his panic attack got worse, then suddenly someone took his empty sheet that was infront of him.

Oh no, did the test end up that fast?

Then a paper full was replaced after it. The name on the paper was 'Levi Viviana'. As he looked next to him, he saw Eliseo - who he forgot is sitting next to him - writing in an new looking paper.

Eliseo gave Levi his paper when Levi was panicking. The time ended and everyone gave the professor their papers.


"Now you owe me five more questions, Levy"


"Okay, three-"


Levi's face dropped.

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