Chapter Ten: The Secret

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"Your leg will heal in the matter of a week."

"Thank you, professor." It was a good idea to enter the Faculty of medicine - they have doctors when they need them.

"Well, I will take my leave - oh and by the way, Levi, you still need to come to the lecturers. That little ankle twist won't help you in excusing."

"Little?" Levi was then getting angry - his whole ankle is almost off, how does he call it 'little'?

"Don't worry, doc. I WILL make sure he come." Added a smiling Eliseo - oh how much Levi wanted to punch that face of his again, How could he act so amazingly?

The doctor smiled "I am sure you will, Eliseo. And remember - the only way to get out of here other than family problems, is that if you have dangerous illness."

Levi just looked at the man unbelievably - this is a mental hospital, not a collage.

"Thank you again, professor." Thanked Eliseo as he closed the door behind the man. His smile immediately feel and was replaced by an angry expression. He turmed around to Levi, who was playing with his phone.

"Hey! Who told you you can play with people's phones while they aren't looking??" Eliseo half-yelled at Levi.

"Am sorry, but this game is so good! I play it while you are asleep too."

"What game?"

"Color twich." Answered Levi without getting his eyes off the phone. Eliseo was confused - what the hell is Color twich? - he looked through Levi's shoulder and saw that Levi was playing Color switch - so that is why he always find the Daily Challenge already played.

"Firstly, it is Color switch you idiot. Secondly, How the fuck did you know my password?"

"It is CutePikachu457. To be honest, I didn't know that you are a fan of Pokèmon until I knew your password."

"You didn't tell me how yet! And if you told anyone about this, I swear I am going to tell them about your stuffed animal." Warned an angry Eliseo, he hide all this from everyone for years. Levi couldn't just come and tell everyone about it.

Levi gasped, "You won't dare tell them about Mr.Fuzzy, would you?"

"As long as you won't tell them about my Pokèmon, deal?" Asked Eliseo as he gave Levi his hand to shake it. Levi looked at it and shook it, "Deal."

"What are you two talking about? And why the hell are you still awake? And what the hell happened to Levi??" Asked Maria as she entered the room with some groceries.

"Why are you here, Aunty - I mean Ms.Kenwood?"

"I promised your mom to make you feel like home, and both of you ran out of food. So I thought to buy you more, and Now answer my question. It is like two in the morning and both of you talking while Levi is sitting on his bed with his ankle bandaged." Maria exclaimed while she put everything in it's place and turned around, glaring at both guys with her hands on her hips.

"Oh, It is Nothin-"

"Tall story short, both of us almost got killed." Levi kept his eyes on the phone as he murmured these words. But boy, he still can feel Eliseo's glare.

"What?" Maria's mouth fell.

"Oh, fuck you, Levi."

"And by the way, since they know where are we, they technically are ready to blow up this college with everyone in it so they could get ribbed of us." Add Levi carelessly, still playing on Eliseo's phone while Eliseo face-palmed - fucking tiny werewolf with the biggest mouth.

Maria fell on ground after hearing this, which made Eliseo run to aid her. He helped her stand up and sit on a chair next to a desk - which is Eliseo's study. Eliseo wanted two things then - to kill Levi and for Maria to go to her house - that day was pretty long for everyone and he just wanted to relax after nearly getting killed.

Maria glanced at both boys and asked; "What happened after both of you ran away?"

"Nothin' much. We just played tag a lil' then nearly got killed by werewolves - oh! I nearly forgot that I also knew that Eliseo have a phobia from water!" Answered Levi, as if it is not a big deal at all - as if Maria was their mother and Levi was telling her about their day.

"I-I promised Mrs.Vanderlic that I will take care of her son.... now her son was almost killed and I didn't know?...."

"Vanderlic? But that is a family name, wait - you have two family names, Eliseo??"

"Idiot! Mom remarried." Growled Eliseo - He never met someone as idiotic as Levi.

"OoOoOoh. Meh, whatevea. Vanderlic is better than Alec." Eliseo controlled his fist to not to meet up with Levi's face and went to bring water for Maria.

Maria took a deep break and and healed her heas in her hands. Eliseo came and gave Maria the water, and after she drank it. She stood up to leave and murmured, "B-Both of you are probably tired from today, I-I better leave."

"Let me come with you, It is pretty dark outside and I won't let you go like that." Offered Eliseo, he was pleased after it when he saw Maria nodding her head. Before she stepped outside of the drom, she whispered "Thank you for saving me back then, Levi."

A normal human wouldn't have heard it, Maria knew that. But Levi heard it clearly. The end of his lips curved up as he heard the words, and he in return murmured a 'You are welcome' before he closed the phone in his hand and left it on the night-stand - or rather like left it after it died - as he covered himself and went into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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