Death Do us part

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The days following a a death are the hardest days anyone could ever have to live through.

Saying goodbye and moving on. but no one can truly move on when they won't let go. A funeral, a wake, and simply walking away may seem easy but its not.
its not easy to walk away from something that keeps pulling you back. telling you it isn't over.
Keira learnt a long time ago,  there is no way for a person to come back from death. not even if you wish for it.
Keira's head swirled with melancholy thoughts, today was Sarah's funeral.
This in particular had been something Keira had tried to avoid. but she couldn't this demon had caught up with her.
Keira was drowning, not in water, in grief and guilt. "hey, Do you want me to drive?" Morgan walked out from the house, Keira looked at her Fiat, a gift from her grandmother.
Three years ago, she finally got her opens, Sarah  had surprised her with it and she loved it. 
"I guess, I'll Drive" Keira almost whispered. "sure let me get my Jacket" she replied, Keira stood and sadly glanced at the flowers blowing in the wind.
Sarah loved her flowers, she was always in the garden when Keira came, she'd be planting new ones, priming the blooming ones, and watering as she went, humming an old Irish hymn for the missing children that appeared on the towns milk cartons.
Keira had inherited Sarah's love of gardening.
"We need to go now Keira." Morgan rubbed the shorter girls shoulder, "ok" Keira turned and began to walk with Morgan down the drive way.

"Today we are gathered here not to grieve but to celebrate the Life of Sarah Grace, Friend, Mother, sister, daughter and grandmother" the celebrant looked towards Sarah's family, which included Keira.
The words and stories continued and soon it was time for speeches, or words about Sarah, "Keira, would you like to say a few words?" Keira nodded.
Gripping the edge of the lectern, Keira exhaled.

"Sarah was really, something, she never liked being thought of as old or frail, she was the most stubborn person I've ever met, but also the most caring. Sarah was a good a person and a good grandmother, she gave me, so much, and she gave everyone an equal chance and for that I'm thankful" Keira stopped the tears were coming, they had already began falling down her face, "please excuse me".
Keira walked back to Morgan sitting next to her, Morgan hugged her.
Alister smiled her way, and for the first time in a long time, Keira smiled back.
There was clearly something about him, she didn't know what it was but there it was making her feel safe and warm as it always had.

Alister Hale was Keira's safe haven.

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