Azurite's Tragedy

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"I know there's a war, believe me" "then why won't you fight Azurite?" "Violence isn't necessary for triumph, some just believe it to be thus causing war" "huh, but you still won't help us?" "I will anyway I can, but not with violence I will aid in the effort" "if your not going to fight then how will you?" "You will know when I am near, I promise" "ok, so changing the subject, what should I do about Zephyr and Lupin?" "That will sort itself out" "so no advice then?" "I cannot change their human nature from what it is, only hope they will improve it on their own" "well we're gonna be waiting a while for that" she snorted "I don't believe so, they may make amends sooner than you think" Keira nodded "but what of my heart it beats for two instead of one" "I remember liking two boys at the same time, it can be troubling, but you will be fine, trust yourself Keira" "Thanks" "you should be on your way, your new and old friends here need you" Keira smiled and waved as she left him, she missed him so much, to be parted again so soon, almost broke her. 

The truth was she hadn't seen him as Ash in years, seeing him as a human is all she wanted, when her Dad remarried, without warning Ash left, he ended up living out of his dorm in college, he barely came to see Keira, she was alone one half of her thousands of miles away, Keira studied hard to get where she did, Keira gave the space to her brother that he needed, in reality he just needed a family. they had seen each other when Sarah died he was at the funeral they didn't speak, more like made eye contact and had an unspoken understanding between them. Keira had wished she had spoken to him, she wished so much that she could have said everything that was on her mind all at once, but she didn't and she regretted it.

Azurite sat trying to meditate It didn't work, all these years he'd missed his little, by five minutes exactly sister, they hadn't seen anything of each other since Sarah's funeral, and the unbearable and pain that weighed him down, the lies and the guilt, it was too much, he had to tell Keira the truth, he had to tell her everything about Morgan, Sarah, everything, he had to tell her they were alive. he couldn't do it, he could risk everything, the fate of realms, the fate of the Thrones of the seven rulers, the fate of Keira hangs in the balance of his foolishness, he couldn't tell her, it could risk everything, he lay back on his bed of wild flowers, their song soothed him into peace. 

Keira walked into the throne room, Aeden, was sleeping in the throne room, on her crystal and diamond encrusted throne, as soon as Keira entered further she woke with a start, "Keira, Zephyr and Lupin are awaiting your audience in the library" "why?" Keira asked, "you shall soon see upon your arrival in the Library", Keira nodded and flew towards the library, she looked at herself in one of the hallway mirrors, she realised she'd never seen herself in this form, her ears were pointed and elongated, and her face still looked like her normal face, she was the first one she'd seen here that shared the same face as their human form, her wings, were still a transparent blue, encrusted with crystals and diamonds, the odd black pear here and there, the dress she wore was made from beautiful fabric, green like emeralds, her long brown hair had come out of its pony tail, it tumbled down her short stature, 

the ends a faint and vivid purple, a head band of flowers from her brother complemented everything nicely, she'd left her armor somewhere in the upstairs of the palace, her cleavage was bigger, much bigger the usual, she suddenly felt very insecure. she continued towards the library, the long sleeves of her dress made her feel more comfortable, she walked into the library and sat down, she didn't see Lupin or Zephyr, "of course those assholes" she said exhaling and lay her head on one of her arms, why did everything in both of her worlds have to be so confusing, should she give up here and now? she'd lost so much, was it really worth continuing? she mumbled something to herself before telling herself there was more at stake then her petty problems. 

"I said I bloody talking to her first" Keira's head shot up, she'd fallen asleep, "then why haven't you?!" she recognized Al's calm and tranquil voice after Lupin mumbled some dragon, "I'll talk to her and once you've cooled off, then you can come over, we don't want to crowd her, or overwhelm her ok?" "fine!" Lupin spat, she could hear them but she couldn't see them it extremely disorienting, she got up and tidied herself up, she uncomfortably stood waiting for Al to talk to her, "hey" "shit!, what were you-why did you-" she caught her breath "you scared me" "yeah, sorry, can we talk?" "I'd rather do it without an audience" she gestured to Lupin who'd poked his elongated ears and face through a gap in the book shelf to watch them, Zephyr sighed, "I know somewhere we can go" he took her hand to lead her there, she stiffened and kept her hand away, he tried to not look wounded, he caused this after all.

Keira had a way with animals and nature, everything seemed brighter and more alive around her, Zephyr noticed this, he'd never seen anything like it, except for that of the old magic, more powerful than those alive could comprehend, the only one left that practiced it was Sarah, she was the last of the old magic kind, or so he thought until now, Keira seemed so at ease here, seeing her happy with Lupin made him Jealous, he had over reacted, well maybe also about tell Keira about who he was talking too a day ago, the truth was, she was Keira's sister twin sister by birth, it didn't change the fact her and Ash were blood related, they weren't twins, they were triplets.

"Keira?" "yeah" "I'm sorry" "I know" 

"so Lupin you wanted to talk?" "that didn't bloody take you long at all" "I know" "like a couple of minutes, not even,bloody hell" "yeah, we kind of just looked at each other, and Keira forgave me" "something like that" Keira said her mind wondering away from them and searching all the books, looking at them, but not searching for anything in particular, "Keira, bloody hell, ever since we first met, I've always kind of, um, lik-" "stop right there, she is my girlfriend" "not this again, I said you have a chance to get me back not that we were back together" "yeah but, I'll get you back, love is stronger than resentment" "sure" Keira giggled at his attempt at flirting, lupin looked disheartened, "lupin, finish what you were saying it's ok, I won't judge you, I promise we've friends" "ok, I've always sort of liked, your sister, and you to are Identical, and I know its not ok for a Dragon to love a Faerie, trust me I know, but I can't help it, I can't help who I love" "Lupin that was...beautiful, but I don't have a sister only, a brother"

 "you have ruined everything!" "what the bloody hell is wrong with you?" "she wasn't supposed to know!" "so what? your still lying to me after everything? you know what I can't anymore, I can't keep doing this!" Keira ran off she wanted to get away, she didn't know how or where but she just wanted to run, in the end, everyone she loved and trusted, Lupin, Al, Ash, probably even Sarah, lied to her, they kept things from her, it broke her heart to know, that she couldn't trust anyone as much as she wanted.

"well, well Little Faerie what are you doing my forest? didn't you mother tell you to stay away from here like she should?" 

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