22. Don't Think Like That

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A/N: Hey guysssss. Thank you for 300,000+ freaking reads!!!! I N S A N E. Somebody slap me.

I tried to update before it reached that very high number, but alas, I am too slow.

Nobody (minus three people) said anything about Larry finally getting together in the last chapter, nor did anyone acknowledge Liam's powers. This is my face ==> :(

I miss all of your lovely comments/votes... I'm not afraid to beg, man. I'm not.

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~Niall's Point of View~

I'll admit it wasn't very smart of me to tell Liam about what Jade had done first instead of Louis or Zayn or Perrie even, but it was sort of like I had gone into some form of shock. All I knew was I had really important information to tell and for some reason, Liam was the first person that came to mind.

As soon as he had left my stomach felt as if it were twisting in it's place, and the feeling was nowhere near pleasant. I didn't have a bad feeling about this necessarily, but I wasn't too keen on it either. I may be able to see the future, but if someone is constantly changing their mind or has a thousand different plans running through their head at the same time it gets all hazy and disorienting, like trying to see through glasses when you have perfect vision. Once it's like that, you never know what's really there and what you're just conjuring up yourself. It always gives me such a headache... Which both Liam and The Council know full well.

One second I was in Liam's study, and the next I was at Louis' door. I could hear him and Harry devouring each other and if this weren't such a serious matter, I'd of definitely taken the piss. Instead I slammed my fist down repeatedly on the door to inform them of my presence.

"Sorry to intrude on the love fest, but we've got a problem!"

The door was immediately yanked open, revealing a disheveled looking Louis.

"What's wrong Niall?" His tone was serious as it cracked. He obviously hadn't spoken for a while. I shoved past him and into his room, pacing back and forth and yanking on my hair anxiously. I waited a moment before I reluctantly spoke, knowing that Louis was without a doubt sifting through my thoughts already.

"I had a vision. The Council of Brothers know about Harry."

"What!?" They both shouted at the same time. Louis was more pissed if anything though, unlike Harry who was plainly terrified.

"I don't know what they have planned, but I do know that we're all in danger. Especially you two," I said, motioning to the both of them. If Harry's face could drain of color, I'm pretty sure it would've just then.

"Ok, where's Liam? Have you told him yet?" Louis ran a hand through his hair, trying to keep calm for Harry's sake. I slowly nodded my head. He wasn't going to be keeping that composure for much longer.

"Yeah, told him first." I cleared my throat, voice having come out much higher than I anticipated. "He's probably at Jesy, Jade, and Leigh-Anne's house by now."

Louis gave me an incredulous look, and I could just imagine him yelling 'are you crazy!?' Thankfully he didn't though. I'm assuming it was also for Harry's sake.

'Look man, I know, but don't be so quick to judge. He could be having a civilized chat with them for all we know,' I thought, eyes narrowing slightly when Louis rolled his eyes.

"Why would he be there?" Harry softly questioned. Louis' expression changed, daring me to tell him. He may want to keep Harry in the dark about this stuff to protect him, but it does concern him, so he should know. I gave Louis my best apologetic look before answering.

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