26. Hurt People Hurt People (Part I)

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A/N: The song on the top or off to the side (depending on what you're reading on) is sort of what the next two chapters are based off of. I'd listen to it, but, you know, you don't have to.

Also, please read the note at the end. It is muy importante.

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~Harry's Point of View~

"You can't be serious."

"This isn't something I'd joke about Harry." Liam actually snapped, at me.

"Dude, what is your problem?" I glared at him as I straightened out from my slouched position, having been leaning on his desk. He gave me an incredulous look before lowering his eyes, laughing dryly as he shook his head.

"Besides the fact that The Council could show up at any time, my problem, Harry, is this new attitude of yours."

I rolled my eyes. "I do not have a fucking attitude."

"What was that you just did then?" He remarked, probably referring to the eye rolling. "Look," He sighed. "I let it be because I figured this was your way of coping with, you know, Lou-"

"I couldn't give two shits about that asshole," I spat.

"That asshole feels the same!" Louis, the jerk-off, shouted from somewhere in their house. I ground my teeth and exhaled through my nose, running a hand through my recently longer hair and pulling on it before I pushed myself off of the desk entirely.

"You know what?" I lifted my hands up in surrender, grinning bitterly as I made my way towards the door. "I don't have to deal with this shit. I'm out."

Liam's eyes narrowed. "What did we just discuss? It'd be safer if you stayed here with us. You know that."

"Yeah? Well I'm willing to take the chance."


"If you need me, Liam, I'll be with people who don't mind my company."

"Good luck finding anyone," Louis sneered as he walked by. I barely refrained from yanking him by the back of his flimsy shirt and smashing his stupid face into the wall. Barely.

"Bitch," I instead retorted through clenched teeth.

"Thats quite enough you two," Liam said angrily. The laugh I let out was just as bitter as my previous words, and before Liam had the opportunity to say anything else I was out of his study and down the stairs. Not even acknowledging Perrie, who was in the living room with that thing, I stalked out of the house, not stopping till I reached my car.

Once I had driven far enough away I dug my phone out of my pocket, dialing a familiar number. When they answered a grin was already tugging at the edges of my lips.

"Styles! You still coming?"

I allowed the grin to spread, teeth now on full display. "I'll be there in twenty."

I regretted showing up.

Here I was, at a massive party thrown by someone who's name I had forgotten, surrounded by a seemingly endless supply of booze, thumping music and beautifully wasted faces, and I wasn't having a good time. At all.

No matter how many drinks I downed, I was nowhere near being buzzed. Not even the Everclear burned as it made its way down my throat numerous times.

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