1. A Quick Bite & The Change

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A/N: Hey guys. Thank you to those of you who commented, here's the first chapter. Hope you all enjoy!

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"Mate, let's gooooo! We've been here for aaaages and I see no hot g-girls." My annoying friend Aaron slurred. It was Friday night and we'd arrived at some party not even thirty minutes ago, yet he was already wasted. Typical. I shook my head and downed the alcohol in front of me, enjoying the burning sensation in my throat.

"No, we just got here! You better slow down because I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. Plus, there's loads of hot girls here, just open your eyes idiot." I replied before downing yet another drink. I felt this churning in my stomach but brushed it off, figuring it was just the alcohol. Why am I feeling so anxious tonight? I need more drinks...

It was almost pitch black out when I finally decided it was time to leave.

"G-guyssss... Heeeey guys. I, I think it's uh, it's uh, time to, uh... Time to go bye-bye!" I drunkenly shouted over the deafeningly loud music. My four friends looked at me with dopey grins on their faces and nodded their heads in reply, stumbling over to the massive entrance. I followed along, tripping twice in the process, but eventually reached the door.

"I really don't think any of us is sober enough to drive, eh Harreh?" Sam mumbled, falling face first onto the concrete seconds after. I cackled loudly at him before nodding my head in agreement.

"Yeah. Let's uh, let's all just walk home... We can get the cars to-" I abruptly stopped as the contents in my stomach made their way up my throat. Ouch. After I don't even know how long I managed to stop puking and groaned, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand and clutching onto my sides, wincing slightly. "As I was saying, we can get the cars tomorrow. See you lads then." We all waved goodbye then took off in different directions.

I didn't live far away from here, maybe fifteen minutes, but in my current state I had no idea how long it'd take to get there. Sighing tiredly, I began the long walk home and shuddered as a cold breeze brushed against my cheeks. I hugged my jacket closer to my body, trying to warm myself unsuccessfully. Stupid thin jacket.

I kept walking -stumbling- when all of a sudden I started veering to the left. Before I knew it I had fallen on the sidewalk. Ow. Why is it so uneven? I struggled to get up, somehow managing to do so a few seconds later. Once I was vertical I dusted off my pants and started walking again when I heard a noise. My head snapped up at the sound of steps behind me and I gulped. Well this sobered me up a bit...

I discreetly tried to see who was behind me, but there was nobody in my blurred peripheral. Maybe it's just a squirrel or a stray cat?

It isn't a bloodthirsty serial killer...right?

At this thought I hurried my pace, hearing the steps speed up as well. Crap, it is a person. Well maybe whoever it is isn't following me? Maybe they just sped up at the same time as me? Yeah, that's it. I let out a shaky breath and slowed down, watching the little flecks of snow that had begun to leisurely fall. Just to be safe, I listened once more to the person's steps, noticing that they had also slowed significantly, matching mine yet again. Oh God, I'm scared now... And almost completely sober...

Maybe I should trick him? Yeah, let's try that.

Instead of continuing to walk straight I turned to the left and began speed walking again, turning right a minute later. I strained to hear anything and silently gasped when those same footsteps easily followed at the same pace yet again. Ok, I'm terrified now and completely sober. I took a sharp left into what I thought was an area with lots of houses, but turned out to be a bloody park. Where in the hell am I and how did I manage to get here? No matter, maybe I can hide behind a tree or something...

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