4. The Plan

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for taking forever to upload, been really busy lately. I noticed that there's over 1,000 reads though! Have I told you all how much I love you? No? Well I do, like a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like A LOT A LOT A LOT. Creepy? Ok I'll stop.

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning <3 seriously though, I love all 136 of my incredible fans.

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For the last ten minutes I'd been standing outside Liam's door, trying to postpone talking to him. I just know he'll get angry again and I don't feel like hearing him yell. So I continued staring at the door, thinking of a good way to get out of this, when an irritated voice spoke,

"Would you get in here already Lou? I don't have all day for your nonsense."

Crap. I was hoping that Liam would've been too preoccupied with whatever he was doing to hear me walking up to his door... Damn you karma, damn you. I sighed, opening his door and quickly stepping inside.

"Heeeeeey..." I mumbled, nervously scratching the back of my neck. Like I said, Liam's terrifying when he's angry.

"Take a seat. So what did you need?" He asked calmly, looking up from some papers and gesturing towards one of the chairs placed in front of his desk. For the past few hours he had been locked up in his study and I didn't know what he was doing, but it looked really important.

I slowly made my way to the chair and sat on the edge, clearing my throat. "Uh, well he woke up and I uh, got the info for you," I replied, avoiding his intense gaze.

"Alright then, let's hear it!" He said cheerily, placing the papers on his desk and clasping his hands together, giving me his full attention. I slowly told him everything that Harry had said, hoping he wouldn't freak.

When I finished he leaned back in his seat and pursed his lips, deep in thought. I continued staring at him for what felt like forever -I would know- before he finally sat up straighter and let out a small breath.

"Here's what's going to happen: since he lives with his parents and must finish school, he'll be going back to his home later to-" My eyes widened and I interrupted him.

"We can't send him home and back to school yet! He's not even a day old! There's no way he'll be able to refrain from doing something stupid with his new-found strength and speed. And what if he can't control himself around humans for some reason?" Is Liam serious? Does he want everyone to possibly die? He glared at me before continuing where he left off.

"-night. Of course, he will need help learning how to control his hunger properly and how to act human in public, so we'll be enrolling in his school on Monday to help guide and watch him. He should be fine though, as I'm sure you know. One of us can stay with him at his house to make sure his parents are safe though as well." He leaned back again, seeming content with his plan. I saw one flaw though. Actually, a bunch.

"What?" I sat up straighter, beginning to list all of said flaws, "Ok one, how are we supposed to get into high school? We haven't been since the early sixties and I'm sure things have changed since then. Two, could we even pass for students? Three, what if we don't even have any classes with him? And four, I think his parents might question a random person practically moving into their house." For being really smart, there sure are a lot of things that can go really wrong with his plan... He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering incoherent words before he actually spoke coherently.

"One, I have connections so there's no need to worry. And I'm sure we'll be able to manage just fine. Two, of course we can pass for students! In case you haven't realized, we're all frozen as teenagers. It won't be hard to pass for eighteen. Three, I can pull some strings and make sure at least two of us are in all of his classes. And four, we can either say we're hanging out with him during the day and sneak into his room at night or simply use our abilities to our advantage. It's not like we sleep anyways. Stop freaking out Lou. That's my job." Ok, maybe he is smart. I still don't want to go to school though.

"You are aware of why this is all happening aren't you?" He asked, staring straight into my eyes and causing me to roll mine.

"Duh, because I turned him." It was obvious wasn't it?

"No, the other reason."

Oh god, not this...

"There's no other reason..." I mumbled, suddenly finding the wall behind him very interesting.

"You wouldn't have turned him if there were no other reason Lou... Look, I won't bother with this right now, but I know you know exactly what I'm getting at. If you didn't then your emotions wouldn't have led you to turn him."

I sighed and stood up, feeling drained from all of this.

"Whatever. I'll go tell Harry about the plan." I began walking towards the door, but stopped and turned back to face him, saying, "By the way, what are you working on?" My curiosity got the best of me and I just had to know. He quickly glanced up from his papers then back down, saying,

"Just wanted to test some methods, you know." He furrowed his brow in concentration and began frantically writing in a notebook. Hmm...

"Whose methods?" I prodded.

"Some Greek philosophers," He muttered, speeding over to his large bookcase and back to his desk with a dozen or so books. Such an over-achiever.

"I'll let you get back to that then. Good luck!" I waved and slipped out of the room, relieved that everything went better than I initially thought it would. Minus the fact that I'd have to go back to school...

Now to tell Harry.

"So what do you think?" I questioned, throwing myself onto my bed. I had just finished telling Harry the plan and I was hoping he'd take it well.

"It doesn't sound so bad to me. I like it. But who's going to stay with me at night?" He asked, looking up from my laptop that he'd been browsing on since I left earlier. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Who do you want to stay with you?" For some reason I was kind of hoping that he'd pick me.

"I don't know? I need to meet everyone before I choose..." He replied, looking back at the screen. As if on cue, I heard the front door opening.

I tried to hide the hurt in my voice -why I felt it I won't admit- and motioned for him to follow me. "Come on, let's go meet them then."

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A/N: So, what do you guys think?

This chapter's dedicated to Alex_Kurtycz_19 for guessing the song/artist correctly first! Thanks for playing guys. Guess again & get the next chapter dedicated to you!

Guess the Song/Artist:

"They say it's what you make, I say it's up to fate. It's woven in my soul; I need to let you go. Your eyes they shine so bright, I want to save that light. I can't escape this now, unless you show me how."


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