12. Mixed Feelings

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A/N: Hey guys! I can't believe it's December already. Where does the time go man? Anyways, hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Thanks to heystoran for the marvelous idea ;)

Much love to all my amazing fans <3

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, and fanning <3

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~Liam's Point of View~

"Hey Li. Why weren't you at school today?" Harry questioned as he sauntered into his room, throwing his backpack onto the floor. I stood up and walked over to him, picking up the bag and placing it in the seat I had just vacated.

"Had a few things to take care of. How was school?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him in a bear hug. He easily returned it, pulling away a moment later. I noticed that he was grinning from ear to ear and my heart almost broke. Ok, maybe I'm over-exaggerating, but he looks so happy... I couldn't possibly tell him now. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"I talked things out with Niall and we're friends now," He stated enthusiastically. I gave him another hug, this one congratulatory, thinking of how I could go about telling him the news.

"That's wonderful," I responded with fake enthusiasm, rubbing his back lightly with my thumb. I just don't understand how Louis could possibly think he's a heartless bully. Just look at how bloody adorable he is!

"I know right! Now I just need to work on Perrie, Zayn, and Louis." He muttered the last part, pouting a little. See? Adorable.

"Ah, don't worry about them. Perrie has no problem with you, she just knows that you and Louis haven't been getting along and she doesn't want to start any unnecessary problems. Zayn just takes a while to warm up to others, so give him some time. And Lou... Well he's a lost cause if I'm honest," I commented, ruffling his hair. He smacked my hand away, as usual, and fixed his curls, walking over to his bed and plopping down onto it. He patted the spot next to him then rested his arms behind his head, sighing.

"What problems could Perrie start?" He asked as I lay down next to him, a little closer than usual.

"Louis can be very...territorial when it comes to his friends, and since he isn't too keen on you he'd feel as though Perrie were choosing you over him. He wouldn't take that too well," I snorted. He pursed his lips in thought before speaking again.

"How long will it take Zayn to warm up to me?"

I squinted my eyes at the ceiling and hummed in thought, tapping my pointer finger against my chin. Of course I knew, but I was trying my best to postpone what was to come.

"A few months at the least. A year or two at the most," I finally replied. He groaned and slammed his fist onto the bed.

"That'll take forever," He whined. I tutted.

"I beg to differ. When you live forever the days feel like minutes, seconds even. It'll go by faster than you think," I assured him, patting his stomach lightly. He frowned again then sighed. My eyes drifted over to him, taking in all of his beauty.

I'm not weird or anything... He just looks so much like Nicholas.

His hair.

His eyes.

His smile, complete with those lovely dimples. Heck, he even had the same mischievous smirk too.

Without realizing I moved closer to him, lifting myself up a bit so I was now face to face with him. We stared at each other, not speaking, barely breathing.

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