2. "How could you be so reckless?"

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A/N: Over 100 reads! Thanks guys! I quite like the response I'm getting for this story, so I'm definitely going to continue writing it, & I do hope you guys are enjoying it? Sorry it's so short though. Let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, and fanning <3

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"How could you be so reckless Louis!" A very angry Liam shouted, rapidly pacing back and forth in front of me.

Currently I was sat in my room, lounging in my comfy chair without a care in the world. I shrugged and quickly walked over to the other side of my room, grabbing my laptop. Not even a second later I was back in my seat, browsing the Internet. Liam likes to over-exaggerate, as I've learned over the many many many years I've known him, so I figured it'd be best to just let him get it all out before trying to say anything.

"You never listen do you? One simple rule and you go and break it! This is not good, not good at all..." Liam suddenly stopped pacing so I looked up, taking in his now petrified face.

"What is it now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at his expression.

"Concilium Fratres," He whispered, but of course I heard it perfectly, face drained of all color. I snorted and turned my attention back to my computer.

"Relax Li. What they don't know won't kill them."

You see, Concilium Fratres is Latin for The council of Brothers, which is exactly what it says, a council of brothers. They're the oldest group of vampires to have ever lived, thus making them the "leaders" of the vampire world. Whatever.

"You just don't get it do you? It's a law! As a matter of fact, it's the law. You just don't go around turning people! We could all die because of your stupidity!" He shouted again, even though it was hardly necessary. I could hear just fine thank you. I glanced at the figure lying in my bed and frowned as I saw him slightly twitch.

"Calm down already Liam. You're going to wake up Curly." I turned to mister angry pants and jerked my head in the direction of the bed, motioning for him to quiet down. He scoffed and shook his head as if he couldn't believe what was going on, shutting his eyes momentarily and taking a deep breath, probably trying to calm himself.

"I just don't understand you Louis, I just don't. Anyways, we need to discuss what's going to happen to him. Downstairs in two." With that he disappeared, the door slamming shut behind him seconds after. I groaned and plopped down onto the vacant side of my bed, quickly glancing at the sleeping boy next to me to make sure he hadn't woken. It had been about two hours since I turned him, so he'd probably be out for a while, but you could never be too sure.

"Downstairs. Now." The sound of Liam's voice grumbled a moment later. I knew Curly couldn't hear him yet since he was on a different floor, but I did. Sadly. In a flash I was out the door and downstairs in the living room where four people were already sat.

"Hey guys," I waved, sitting next to Liam. He sat perfectly still with his arms folded, not bothering to reply. Well then, grumpy gills... Niall waved back happily, munching on a red Popsicle (I'm sure you can guess what it really was though). Zayn simply nodded his head, eyes glued to his phone. Perrie flashed me a warm smile, playing with one of Zayn's hands in her lap as she did. They were dating by the way, which was secretly part of the reason why Liam was being such an ass. He hasn't found anyone yet, and he's been around the longest. He's a bit of a cry baby isn't he?

"So what's this about?" Perrie asked, looking from me to Liam. Just as I was about to speak, a certain grumpy gills interrupted me.

"Louis here has broken a very important rule." I rolled my eyes and watched as they all straightened up, Niall quickly finishing his Popsicle, Zayn putting his phone away, and Perrie dropping Zayn's hand.

"Which one?" Zayn questioned warily.

"He's turned a human," Liam stated bluntly.

Perrie and Zayn gasped while Niall said, "That's it?"

I grinned at the Irish lad and said, "Right! It's not as bad as he makes it out to be."

"Niall, this is a serious matter! If word gets to Concilium Fratres we'll surely be killed!" Liam just can't stop shouting can he? Niall shrugged, disappearing for a second then returning with another Popsicle.

"As long as we don't say anything, everything should be fine. Am I right?"

Perrie and Zayn shared a look before agreeing. Take that Liam. Looks like everyone's on my side.

"Fine. But when this all backfires don't expect me to protect you." Liam huffed, crossing his arms childishly.

"What should I do when he wakes up then?" I asked, ignoring his previous statement. We all knew that he didn't mean it.

"Get his name, first of all. Then see if he's in school. Also, find out if he lives alone or with parents. You can never be too sure these days... Basically, get all the essential information." He replied seriously, dropping the childish act. I nodded my head and exited the room, heading back to my sanctuary. Really it was just my room, but I liked to refer to it as my 'sanctuary'. Vampire and all, innit.

I slowed my pace to normal walking when I got there, noticing that Curly was still asleep. It always takes so long for them to wake up. I hate waiting...

I decided to sit back in my comfy chair, once again grabbing my laptop and plugging my headphones in. I opened up iTunes and picked a random playlist, smiling as music started filling my ears. Round and Round by Imagine Dragons is seriously an amazing song. I began browsing the Internet again, checking my Twitter and playing some games.

This is gonna take a while...

It's Saturday night now, and I can't go anywhere... All because a certain curly-haired lad hasn't woken up yet. I guess karma really is a bitch, huh? For the past few hours I've been watching TV, listening to music, reading, and running back and forth in circles. I know, pretty eventful day.

I guess I should take a break and grab a quick snack? I slowly, well slowly for me, walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I was all alone since Zayn, Perrie, and Niall had gone out for a night in the town and Liam had locked himself in his study. Typical.

I reached the fridge and opened it, taking out a bottle of nice, cold blood. Of course it wasn't the same as feeding directly from someone, but it'd do for now.

After walking back to my 'sanctuary' I sat down and began reading, soon losing myself in the thick book.

My head snapped up at the sudden sound of movement and I froze, looking into the eyes of a certain green-eyed lad.

He's awake.

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A/N: Ok, so Liam is lonesome & needs a lover.... Should I go with Danielle or Niall? *or Sophia or no one*

Oh & guys, the red popsicle that Niall was eating? Frozen blood. Not a fucking bloody tampon. You guys have some wild imaginations...

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