9. Zayn's Power

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A/N: Hey guys! Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Harry acted like a real bitch in the last one didn't he?

Quick thanks to you all for getting this story over 6,000 reads!! Much love to my 184 fans <3

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning <3

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"Why would he do such a thing?" Liam asked with a frown as we made our way to the office, ignoring all of the stares we were getting from the students and a few teachers. After Harry's little outburst I had phoned him, asking where they were and telling him what had happened.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound like the Harry we met the other day," Niall added. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, not even caring if I messed it up anymore.

"I really don't know what that was all about. It was pretty scary though..." We all stopped at the door to the front office, glancing at one another.

"I'll have a talk with him later. Ready guys?" Liam questioned, placing his hand on the door handle. We reluctantly nodded and he opened it, all of us stepping in after.

"May I h-" The little old lady sat behind the front desk began asking before abruptly stopping when she saw us. "Goodness," She whispered quietly, thinking we couldn't hear her. I quickly glanced around the room and noticed that the few other people in here had also stopped what they were doing to gape at us and inwardly scoffed. I know we're beautiful, but that's no reason to stare profusely.

Liam cleared his throat, effectively snapping everyone out of their trances. See, this is why I don't like being around humans. They act too damn obvious. The old lady shook her head before continuing to speak.

"How may I help you darlings?" She gave us all a warm smile and I felt myself smiling back. Damn, so much for not liking her.

"We're new students here and we were wondering if we could possibly get our schedules and anything else we might need?" Liam explained, flashing her a dazzling smile. Always the proper one. I chuckled as the expression on her face went from normal to dazed once more.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, we have a strong effect on people. Well, when it comes to guys, they either want to beat Liam, Niall, Zayn, and I up or they want to befriend us. Same goes for Perrie, just with the opposite sex. That's why we prefer going out during the night; that way humans can't see our faces well.

"Of course you can dears! I've got all of your things with me already, so just tell me your names and I'll hand them to you. I'm Mrs. Boyd by the way," She responded, looking at each one of us for a few seconds with a smile on her face. When she reached Perrie, though, I saw her eyes narrow slightly. I love it when old people get jealous!

"I'm Liam Payne," Liam, obviously, stated. Mrs. Boyd nodded her head and reached for a stack of folders on her desk. She began flipping through them then grabbed one, handing it to him with another smile.

"Here you are darling. Have a nice day!"

With that Liam nodded and walked off to the side, going through his papers. Niall went up next, then Zayn. After them I went and I could've sworn that one of the other ladies behind the desk winked at me. Awkward. When it was Perrie's turn Mrs. Boyd's facial expression and body language immediately changed. She stiffened and practically shot daggers through her eyes at Perrie when she told her what her name was.

"Such an odd name... Oh dear, what are you wearing? That's highly inappropriate. Young ladies such as yourself should cover up all your bits and pieces. And that hair?" She tutted, "Such an unappealing shade of purple. Here's your stuff young lady."

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