5. Meet The Gang

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A/N: Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning <3

*1/3/16: I am well aware that it's vas not what's, alright, so tone down all the correcting comments pls*

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"You know what? Let me go tell the guys that you're up first, then come down when I call you. Ok?" I asked him, pausing at the door. I turned to look at him and he nodded, walking over to the bed and sitting down, fumbling with his fingers nervously. I began walking again when a small voice stopped me.

"Lou? What if they don't like me?" I rolled my eyes at this and inwardly scoffed, my heart thumping a bit faster at the nickname. I know everyone called me Lou, but it sounded different coming from him.

"If they didn't like you they would've killed you before you had the chance to wake up. Stop worrying, it'll all be fine."

He gulped and nodded his head slightly, looking down at the floor. "Ok. Can I ask you one more question?" He had sounded so scared, so vulnerable and child-like a moment ago, but now his voice held it's normal tone: humor and a bit of cockiness. I nodded my head, inwardly sighing this time.

"Sure Harry."

"Do vampires sleep?"

Is he serious? I almost burst into a fit of laughter at that. I allowed a small chuckle to escape my lips and ran a hand through my hair.

"No, we don't. We still like to relax sometimes though, so that's why we have beds. Anymore questions?" I really hope he says no.

"No, that's it for now," He waved me off, his face switching to one of deep thinking now. Boy, does he change moods like crazy or what? Before he had the chance to think of anything else, I quickly walked over to the stairs and practically flew down them, heading straight for the living room where all the voices were.

I stopped abruptly, plopping next to Zayn and Perrie who were seated on the couch. Niall was sitting cross-legged on the floor, watching some movie as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. To him it probably was.

"Who were you talking to up there Lou?" Perrie asked, looking up from her phone.

"Yeah Lou, who?" Zayn asked as well, mimicking Perrie's voice. She rolled her eyes and punched him in the arm, making him scoff in fake shock. That punch may not have hurt Zayn, but if she were to do that to a human, their bones would be crushed to dust. Cool huh?

"Well then, I see how it is," He said, folding his arms over his chest and pouting. And everyone likes to say that I act like a five year old...

"Anyways. Harry's up and he wants to meet all of you. Try to be nice?" I suggested, watching as Niall's head snapped over to me at the mention of the newborn. Zayn was quick to drop his childish act.

"Ok! Bring him down." Perrie responded, the only one apparently not phased by what I had just said. I nodded my head and sat up straighter, clearing my throat.

"Harry, you can come down now," I spoke, slightly raising my voice just to make sure he heard. A second later he was stood at the entrance, looking at us all cautiously. I rolled my eyes -I've been doing that a lot since he got here- and went up next to him.

"Come on Harry. They aren't that bad." I yanked on his arm, pulling him into the room with me and shoving him onto the couch opposite the one Zayn, Perrie, and now Niall were seated on.

"Hey! We aren't bad at all. You love us Lou." Niall jokingly defended, sticking his tongue out at me. I laughed and sat down next to Harry, who was obviously nervous.

"Go on and introduce yourself Curly," I whispered, even though they all heard perfectly, nudging him in his side. He took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out.

"Um, hi. I'm Harry," He mumbled, hiding behind his curls as he awkwardly waved.

Zayn snickered and Perrie punched him again, sending him a warning look.

"Hi Harry, I'm Perrie. Nice to meet you!" She responded warmly, giving him a genuine smile.

"Yo, I'm Zayn. What's happenin'," Zayn greeted, quickly nodding his head in acknowledgment.

"Aye, I'm Niall! Feel free to call me Ni or Nialler though," Niall said happily.

"Alright, now we just need to get Liam down here and then that's everyone. LIAM!" I shouted, hoping that it'd annoy him. I heard a growl and all of a sudden Liam was stood in front of me, arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"What?" He spat, completely oblivious to the lad next to me.

"Liam, be nice. That's not a very good first impression for Harry here, is it now?" I asked, speaking to him as if he were a little kid being scolded. He looked over to my left and his mouth fell open, his eyes widening in shock.

What's wrong with him?

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A/N: Sorry to make this so short, a filler, & horrible, but I need to double-check something. A majority of you said you wanted Niam, while a few of you said it'd be cool if Liam tried to go for Harry first but got rejected, THEN went for Niall. This is the last time I'll ask; so let me know which you guys would prefer please!

This chapter's dedicated to 1d_nialler16 who guessed correctly first! It was Demons by Imagine Dragons (best song/band ever aside from the boys)! And I forgot to say it, but the first guess was Na Na Na by One Direction. Thanks for playing guys! Guess again & get the next chapter dedicated to you!

Guess the Song/Artist:

"It's been a long time coming since I've seen your face and I've never went back, trying to replace everything that I broke till my feet went numb. Praying like a fool that just shot a gun. Heart still beating but it's not working. It's like a hundred thousand voices that just can't sing. I reach out trying to love you but I feel nothing. Oh, my heart is numb."


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