7. Liam's Story

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A/N: Hey guys! How was your Halloween? I stayed home & watched X factor. Yay.

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning <3 seriously love you all, especially my 159 fans. And thanks for getting this story over 4,000 reads!

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I watched as Liam sighed and slowly placed the book off to the side. He sat up in his seat and stared straight into my eyes, yet he remained silent. We stayed like this for a while before he finally spoke.

"Do you really want to know that, Harry?" He asked cautiously. I nodded my head frantically.

"Yes! I really do," I responded eagerly, jumping up and down slightly in my spot. He chortled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Quiet down before you wake your parents. Why are you so keen on knowing?" He questioned, moving his chair closer to me. Why am I so keen on knowing...

"I don't know. I'm just curious to know about all of you guys," I replied with an exaggerated shrug. A small laugh escaped his lips as he nodded his head in understanding.

"Ok, I'll tell you my age, but not the others'. They'll tell you when they're ready."

I made a sound of agreement, crossing my legs and staring at him expectantly. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Was he trying to build suspense or something? Because if he is that's not cool.

"Harry, I'm... Nineteen," He finally said, smirking at my now irritated expression. Why in the hell would he do that to me? I hate being tricked. I leaned over and smacked his arm roughly.

"You know what I meant Liam," I muttered. He burst into a quiet fit of laughter then, causing my frown to grow even larger.

"Stop laughing," I whined, punching him again. He calmed down after a moment and re-positioned himself in his seat, wiping away a stray tear. Oh come on, it wasn't that funny.

"Sorry, but I had to. If it makes you feel any better, know that I've done it to the others as well. In fact, Louis reacted just like you," He spoke thoughtfully. Really? Had he now?

"Anyways, can I know how old you really are now?" I asked, more than a little irritated. He nodded his head and I grinned. Finally.

"Five hundred and forty-eight," He stated simply.

Well, ok.

Wait, what?

He can't be that old.

"You're messing with me aren't you?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Nope." Well, that is just weird and odd and gross and weird and odd and.

"But you don't have any wrinkles or anything. How is that possible?" I was a bit agitated now.

"We don't age. I was turned when I was nineteen, so I'll look nineteen for the rest of my life. Same with the others." Wow. This is just crazy. Cool, but crazy. I wonder how old Louis is?

"What about Louis?" I couldn't help it, I was curious.

"Nope, I told you I wasn't going to mention anyone else, and that includes Louis. Ask him yourself, yeah?" He added when he noticed my face slightly falling at his response.

"Fine," I sighed. "Will you tell me about your life, you know, before you were a vampire?" I asked curiously.

"Why are you so interested in knowing these things?" He chuckled, though he seemed perplexed, ruffling my hair. I slapped his hand away and shielded my hair, trying to fix it at the same time. I swear this is just like Twilight. Wasn't Bella the same with all the questions and what not?

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