6. "How old are you, exactly?"

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Alright, I just want to say thank you to the one's who commented. The decision has been made & you'll see the result in this chapter as well as why Liam acted the way he did. Hope you all enjoy!

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning <3

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~Liam's Point of View~

I can't believe it.

It's him.

Well, I'm pretty sure it isn't actually him, but it looks just like him! They have the same brown curls; the same toned body, the same milky white skin, and the same facial features, though Harry's eyes are a bit brighter. But all in all, he looked just like him, just like Nicholas.

"Uh, you ok Li?" Niall asked, giving me a weird look. I blinked and quickly shoved the thought to the back of my mind, standing up straight. Like the gentleman I am, I extended a hand towards him and offered a friendly smile.

"Just fine thank you," I answered Niall. To Harry I said, "Hello, I'm Liam. Welcome to our home."

His face changed from a scared expression to that of a happy one as he stood up and took my hand in his, shaking it firmly before dropping it.

"Hi, I'm Harry," He smiled. His voice was slow and deep, just like Nic-

"Well then, now that introductions are done with, Harry here needs to make a decision." Louis informed, jumping up from his seat and standing next to Harry who nodded his head knowingly. Decision?

"What are you talking about?" Zayn asked, voicing my thoughts.

"Someone needs to stay at his house with him during the night. There's more, but I'll explain later," Louis somewhat clarified, pushing his fringe out of his face. He really needed a haircut in my opinion...

"So, who'll it be Harry?" Perrie questioned, leaning her head onto Zayn's shoulder as she waited for an answer.

"Uh..." I watched as his gaze shifted from me to Lou and back again. He repeated this process for a few more moments before running a hand through his hair and saying, "I guess I'll go with Liam." I offered him a small smile, noticing Louis tense up at his side. What was that about? Who cares, I get to spend time with Nicholas again!

I mean Harry...

~Louis' Point of View~

"Are you ready yet?" I snapped at Harry.

Why didn't he choose me? I was the one who's been here for him the longest and he goes and picks Liam? That twat. Wait, why do I even care? I shouldn't care. I don't care.

"Uh, yeah. Quick question though; where's my phone?" He asked, standing up and looking around, absentmindedly patting his pockets. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my desk, grabbing it then shoving it into his large hand. He fumbled with it for a second and pressed a button, staring at the screen. When it remained black he groaned and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Stupid battery," He mumbled, pouting. Oh boo-hoo. "Louis, do you mind if I borrow a shirt? Just so my mum doesn't get too suspicious," He looked at me as he asked this. No, no you can't you stupid wanker. Believe me I wanted to say that, but I surprisingly kept my mouth shut, nodding my head once instead.

"Sure. Why would your mum get suspicious though?" I asked, walking over to my closet. I wonder where that God-awful shirt with the colorful polka dots Niall got me a while ago went? Oh wait, I had 'accidentally' spilled bleach all over it, resorting in having to get rid of it... Damn. I grabbed a plain white v-neck, unwillingly handing it to him.

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