13. Preparing For a Journey No One Wants to Go On

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A/N: Hey guys! Much love to my 338 amazing fans <3 I seriously can't believe you all find my work interesting. Thanks for getting this story 17,000+ reads! Insane.

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning.

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~Louis' Point of View~


"Calm down Lou, its not that bad."

"Not that bad? Liam! I'm only going to have to spend a weekend with that curly haired bastard, who happens to despise me as much as I do him, and you think it's not. That. Bad?" Seriously, is he out of his mind? Why on earth would they pick me to watch over Harry? They know damn well how I feel about him.

"You're doing it whether you like it or not. Unless you want Concilium Fratres killing us all?" Liam questioned, eyebrow raised. Damn him. I rolled my eyes and slumped in my seat, feeling defeated. I knew I should've run off when he called me into his study... Nothing good ever comes out of it.

"Fine, but I'm not gonna be happy about it," I huffed. Liam merely grinned and patted me on the back.

"It's for the best. You know how they feel about you anyways."

"That was one time Liam. One time. And it happened like two hundred years ago, so why are they still bitter?" I muttered annoyed, rolling my eyes once more.

"Oh I don't know... Maybe because you released one of their experiments and caused an epidemic to practically wipe out half of the earth's inhabitants? And it wasn't two hundred years ago; it was ninety. Plus, you know they like harboring grudges," Liam replied, shaking his head at me. I threw my hands up exasperatedly and guffawed.

"Like I said, one time! Why are they even coming?"

"There's a small coven moving to this area, and since we're one of the most respected groups, and this is our territory, they feel as though we need to approve of them beforehand." 

"Oh yay, more vampires," I smiled sarcastically.

"If things go well you'll be able to meet them next week. If not, you have no worries. Now go pack and tell Harry to do the same."

"Where is he?"

"He should be at his house with Niall." I nodded my head and slowly made my way over to my room, trying to waste time. I really don't want to do this...

~Harry's Point of View~

"Why can't you go with me instead?"

"Because Harry, I just have to stay. Concilium Fratres can't find out about you."

"But, but Louis hates me!"

"Oh stop bein' such a baby. He doesn't hate you, he just needs to spend some time with ya is all."

"I d-" I was cut off when my phone began ringing, my Barbie Girl ringtone blasting rather loudly. Damn my friends for daring me to change it to that. Niall immediately began cracking up whilst I scowled and walked over to it, answering it without looking at the caller ID.


"Well hello to you too sunshine. Just calling to let you know that you need to start packing. So get to it." Before I could reply he hung up. Rude.

"Louis sounded pretty happy to me," Niall commented from his spot on the floor where he'd fallen from laughing so hard. I threw myself onto my bed, wincing at the sound of wood creaking.

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