Russia lemon 1️⃣

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History... definitely not a class that was enjoyable to many. Well unless the teacher was very handsome and had a gorgeous Russian accent... then there was an exception. You stared at 

your teacher contently. From his platinum blonde hair to his stunning purplish blue eyes, he was dreamy, a man you wouldn't mind to stare at all day. But dreams were just dreams 

right? Hell, he was your teacher for crying out loud! You were a seventeen year old girl, there was no way a grown man, especially your history teacher, would ever go for you!

"Ms. (L/n)?"

You blink out of your dream state and look at the man at the front who'd called you.

"U-um yes, Mr. Braginsky?" You stutter and the class all turns and looks at you, your face slightly red from embarrassment. Your teacher still holds his natural sweet looking smile.

"Can you tell me what the capitol of Russia is?" He asks and you think a moment, digging into your memories for the answer. Your teacher watched you intently, barely blinking.

"Moscow?" You ask and your teachers smile widens. You slightly blush and smile back.

"Correct Ms. (L/n). Now class, if you would all please take out your books and turn to page 255 and begin to read chapter 24. You may also want to take some notes for the test in a 

few weeks." Your teacher turns to the rest of your peers and tells you all. Groans ensued from the other students as you all pull out your books and turn to the page asked. Ivan 

watches a moment then turns around and heads to his desk, sitting down in his chair. His eyes scanned over the classroom. Some students looked bored or doing something besides 

reading while others kept drifting off asleep. His purplish orbs land on (F/n). She was such a beautiful girl with her (h/l), (h/c) hair framing her face, (e/c) eyes shooting across the 

words with ease, her (lip color) lips slightly moving along with every sentence she passed, her (f/c) shirt and (second f/c) capries that fit her petite body nicely. Ivan's face grows red 

and he averts his gaze away from her to avoid the dirty thoughts forming in his mind. But still he looked back, feeling a need for her like he did every day. He didn't care that she was 

his student, one of his best at that. He had to touch her, needed to, and a plan came into play.

You continue reading, eyes scanning over every word you mouthed. This test was going to be easy if you paid attention to all the studying you do. You just couldn't shake the feeling 

that someone was watching you the whole period.

Class passed by faster than you'd hoped and since it was your last class you were packing up everything and quickly left the classroom. Ivan stared after you as you went, eyes running 

up and down your body from behind and he felt his face flush. One of your friends, Terra, was about to walk out as well and he saw this as his only chance.

"Eh, excuse me, Terra!" He calls and Terra stops and looks at the Russian at the call of her name.

"Yes Mr. Braginsky?" She asks stepping up to his desk with a bright smile.

"I need you to do something for me."

You stood at your locker, backpack in hand and pushing the books and assessments you didn't need into the open cupboard. You had just finished and shut your locker then turned 

and went to start walking.

"Hey (F/n)!" You turn to where your name had just been called and see Terra running towards you with your other friend Sam closely behind. You stop and face them completely.

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