China lemon 2️⃣

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After a long day of servitude, my work was done.

I could take my bath in my secret lake and be by myself.

I grabbed my sleeping wear, oils and wash bucket before sneaking through the bamboo forest to my water haven at the base of a mountain.

I made sure that I couldn't see the palace lights before I undid my braid, stripped down to nudity and hung up my clothes.

I knelt down by the pond and filled my bucket, splashing it over my head and body, trying to wash off the days sweat and dirt.

After washing and rinsing my hair and body of my days work, I was about to step into the water and soak when I felt eyes on me.

I looking over my tense shoulder and froze.

There, standing a few feet behind me in nothing but a small silk clothe that cover his lower body, was my boss. The Emperor.

With a smirk, he said, "Nǐ hǎo."

Without even taking a moment to think, I dove into the water. 

There was a small cavern entrance behind a waterfall that led deep into the mountain. I swam towards that cavern as fast as I could. 

I made it pas the waterfall and was about to go deeper into the cave (which was only lit but a bunch of tiny glowing insects) when a strong hand grabbed my ankle.

I start kicking my feet furiously as the Emperor pulled me under him.

I, uselessly, threw my hands at him, trying to push him away, but he took hold of my wrists, forcing me to stop.

He held me under the water, against the wall of the cave. His eyes smirked down into mine, sending shivers down my spine.

I started to feel the urge to breathe, but the Emperor would not let me up. I kicked him in the lungs, forcing him to let go of me. I swam to the top and took a big, deep breathe the moment I broke surface. I came so close to passing out that I leaned against the cave wall, already exhausted.

The Emperor broke water and gave me another smirk. "That hurt."

"How did you find me, my Lord?"

"This spring lies on my property. Did you really think I didn't know of its existence? When I saw you walking off in this direction, I knew what was going on."

He swam closer to me, forcing me to press myself against the cavern wall. I refused to look in his eyes.

He raised his rough had and picked up my hair, which was draped over my left shoulder. He leaned his nose into my hair and deeply inhaled. Ever since he had first bought me from the slavers, the Emperor had been obsessed with my hair, smelling it every chance he got. It always made me shiver and turn my head away from him. And that day was no different. 

He chuckled at my cringe and pull away from my hair, saying, "So this is where you make your hair smell like lilies."

Again, I pressed my hands against him, trying to push him away, but he wrestled them above my head and held them there with one hand.

He got right up in my nervous face and said, "Shall I we bathe together?"

I just started to protest when I felt his rough free hand grab my left breast. I gasped in shock and clenched my eyes shut. I felt the contrasting, soft skin of his lips press against the left side of my neck. 

Those lips put pressure on my soft spot. The breathe coming from his nose tickled the back of my neck. His long, wet hair tickled the front of my neck and my cheek. His rough hand would alternate between my breasts and massage them.

The lukewarm water started to feel rather cold… which knocked me back from my fevered senses. I resumed my struggling, begging him to stop. Not only did he refuse, but he went farther; he abandoned my breasts completely and slid his hand down my stomach until his palm was rubbing against my unexplored entrance. My jaw dropped open in a silent scream of surprise. The Emperor took that window of opportunity to press his lips to mine. My eyes shot open in surprise. It was forbidden for the Emperor to lie with a servant. Besides, there were about a hundred women lined up to be his wives/concubines. Yet, here he was, kissing me… and exploring every bit of my mouth his tongue… Why?

Confused and unsure, I snapped my right knee up, hitting the Emperor in the stomach again. He backed away and loosened his grip on my hands.

I took a deep breathe and, once again, dove under water, this time, swimming to the cave opening. 

I had just barely got past the water fall when strong, formed arms wrapped around my waist, lifted me from the water, and turned me back around.

The Emperor gripped my wrists and pinned them to the top of the cavern entrance. The gallons of water from the water fall pounded over our heads and back. The Emperor rested his hand on my right shoulder before, slowly pushing a large part of his body into.

I screamed when I realized what it was… and also because it was a little painful to feel my virgin wall break. "No! We can't!"

"Sh. It's alright."

He released my wrists and, instead, pressed his into the back of my hands, threading his fingers between mine. I stopped fighting him and just caught my breath, wondering when he got to be… gentle.

"There is nothing to be afraid of."

He gave me many moments to breathe and get used to him being inside. Then, he started thrusting with slow strokes. With each stroke he reached deeper and deeper into me until he was completely embedded in my womb. He started putting more strength in his thrusts and, when he did, he started hitting this little button of bliss inside me. It took my breath away and the pushed him to start going faster. A coil of tension tightened my stomach to the pleasure point of unbearable. A cry of bliss floated from my throat as the Emperor sprayed into me, pushing me over the edge and allowing me to squeeze around him.

We were both exhausted but I was especially; my legs were so weak that I couldn't support my weight. I fell back into the Emperors chest. He scooped me up in his arms and lifted me out of the water, carrying me to the edge of the lake. He laid me in the grass and smiled down at me, stroking me hair before I fell into a deep sleep.

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