Japan lemon 1️⃣

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“What do you say we try something different tonight, Kiku?” 

You were leaning over the side of the couch, the top half of your body hovering over your husband's relaxing form as he read his favorite manga.

Kiku lowered his comic onto his chest, sufficiently marking his page, to raise an eyebrow curiously at you. “Rike what, __________-san...?”

“Weeeeell...you know how much you love to cosplay? Could we do something like that, but just, pretending that we're in another time as different people than we are now and make love as we play the part?”

He blinked at you, shocked and confused. “D-Do you mean rorepraying...?” His cheeks had already turned a bright red. Clearly Kiku had no idea of the initial aim of your question.

You clapped your hands together excitedly and beamed at him. “YES! That's exactly what I mean! So do you wanna????”

Kiku chuckled to himself, a soft smile upon his lips. He loved it when you got like this – you were child'ish, but so cute, and especially when there was something you really, really wanted. However, though openly discussing sexual intimacy was perfectly fine for you, it still made him uncomfortable to some degree.

“Werl...maybe. But I never would have thought sexuarl rorepray was on your fantasy rist...w-what did you have in mind, exactrly?”

Sheepishly, you inclined your head a bit. “I dunno...I was talking to my best friend, __________, and she was talking about some things her and Ludwig had done, and I started thinking...it'd kinda be like cosplay, which is something you and I really enjoy, but we'd also get a bit other fun out of it. And I was thinking along the lines of...you're a ninja and I'm your maid-concubine?”

You weren't certain what you expected the reaction from your Asian husband to be, but certainly not a major nosebleed as he fell off the couch and onto the floor – having fainted from an abrupt loss of blood.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Kiku woke up to you fanning him against the side of the couch, a washcloth pressed delicately to his nose, dabbing a bit. Once he had opened his eyes, your worried face entered his view, peering at him.

“Sweetie...? Are you alright?! M-Maybe it'd be a bad idea to roleplay doing something like that after all...”

He fervently shook his head, but made careful movements so he wouldn't get dizzy. “I-Iie! It sounds rike an interesting idea...I'd...r-rike to try it with you sometime.” His cheeks were becoming rosy again.

Elated, you glomped him in a sideways hug. “Ooohhh Kiku!! I can't wait!! This is going to be so much fun~!”

Nervously, he patted your back as he gently hugged you back for a moment, crimson-faced now. “H-Hai...I'm certain we wirl enjoy ourserves...but we shourld wait for it to be a speciarl occasion, ne?”

You pulled back to pout a little. “Awww, okay Kiku...I guess that wouldn't be such a bad idea.” You pecked his lips with a sweet kiss, stroking his sides as you leaned into him. “Don't make me wait too long though, please...?”

He stroked your hair lovingly. “Of course not, my cherry brossom.”

* * * * * * * * * * 

It had been 3 months since the day you both agreed on trying a sexual roleplay sometime. And quite honestly? It had completely slipped your mind – what with your work load rising dramatically at your job, and Kiku, being a mangaka, was dealing with writers block, including all else in everyday life.

Until one evening. When you arrived home from work after an incredibly busy and stressful day.

Taking a few steps through the doorway, you were suddenly welcomed by a wonderful, flowery fragrance in the air. Quickly glancing around, your foot bumped into something on the floor.  It was a package with a handwritten note attached to it.

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