China lemon 1️⃣

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You stood in the doorway of Yao's room holding on to the pile of his clean clothes you neatly folded.He was taking a bath right infront of you but of course you looked away.The hot water's steam filled the room and luckily for you it covered up Yao quiet well.

  Your mind thought back to when you first arrive.You had been visiting the country for a little fun trip. You went ate great food and went shopping for traditional chinese dress.Just like any other tourist.Then you were approached by a man wearing a weird shape hat.

"Ni hao.Would you or your friends like to serve China in a way only you can?"
To you it sounded like a sales pitch and you had money to spare, but it wasn't. You would become a personal assistant to China. Another surprise to you was the country also had a physical form.A form of which you found very attractive.

"Hey,hey ________, can you focus please.I've been calling your name for 20 seconds.Are you okay?"
You blushed and went to hand him his clothes. "Here you are. I'll go get your peach slices."
He nodded and you bowed before scurrying out the room. He eyed your body as you closed the door.



 You and him were now in his room.The sliding door was open allowing the outside air to give the room a more naturey feel. The way the homes were built was one of the manyt hings you liked about China. You could hear the water rushing in the stream, the wind blow through the leaves, and the birds sing. The time you got to spend alone with Yao was something you would always charish.You loved him, but he was busy almost all the time and you two havent spent much time together ever since his boss wanted him to venture out into the world and find new things.

 Yao sat criss-cross eating a bowl of peach slices as you brushed his long black hair.It was so soft. Yao occasionally fed you some peaches and they were very sweet but you didn't mind.Yao began to hum a song, a song you heard him hum or whistle many times before. He then opened his mouth and words began to form.It was all in his native langause and it sounded beautiful. You heard rumors but you never thought he could sing until now.

 You blushed as continued to sing.If only you knew what it meant.Your hands slowly stopped scaling down his hair and your eyes became half lidded.You were entranced by the son.Yao turned around and saw your reaction.He leaned in close to you to make sure you were okay. Then you mumbled something.

"I love you." You whispered. Your eyes shot open as you stood up and backed away from Yao. A blush was plastered on your face and soon enough his. He jumped up and followed your movements.

"Say what you said again."
"I didn't say anything."
"Don't lie. You said you loved me."
"Why would I have said that."
"Because...I loved you first."

You backed up into to the door in shock.After a while you responded.
"There is no way- I loved you first Yao."
"Oh ha ha very funny.But I loved you when you smiled at me."
"I loved you when you considered me your very best friend."
"Oh yeah, well when I layed eyes on you I fell madly in love with you and insisted that you be my personal assistant just so I could see your face everyday."

Yao expected you to say something back but you ran towards him and locked lips.His eyes widened but then they closed and he leaned into the kiss.It escalted quickly as he layed you on his bed. You two kissed and shared intimate secrets. He positioned himsel in between your legs and was about to start until you reached up and took out his ponytail.
He sat up and put it back in.

"Why did you that."
"I love your hair."
"You don't think I look like a girl?"
"You worry to much, now come."

Yao took out the ponytail and resumed with his plans.He turned you around so you were laying on your side and he was positioned behind you.He inched himself in and you moaned a bit and grabbed the closest thing you could find to quiet your sounds. You had grabbed a Hello Kitty plush. Yao smirked.

"Try not to rip that in half."
"Why would I- AHH~"

Yao began inching out and slammed back in. He held up your leg to gain better access.You tried your best but you couldn't help digging your nails into the Plush, but man Yao was awesome. He handled you delicatly and ravished you at the same time.You didn't know where to put your mind. He pulled back your hair to get a better look at your face and nibbled on your ear.

"Yao, i'm going to...cum!"
"Together now."

Yao thrusted into hard and fast a few more times before his seed spilled into you. You could feel it push against your insides.You were breathing heavily. You layed still putting the plush where you got it.

"Now I might have to take a bath."You laughed.
"I shall join you then."
"B-but Yao what if someone walked in on us taking a bath together."
"What does it matter if your my sin niang."
"Xin niang?"
"My Bride."

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