Swedish lemon 1️⃣

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"FUCK YOU AMERICA! FUCK YOU!!" You screamed and struggled against the rope, cursing profanities at your American friend. America grimaced at the noise you were making, and waved France over.

"You gotta gag?" He asked, almost casually. France gave one of his perverted smiles, and pulled one out of his purple coats sleeve. America gave a thank you to him and turned back to you. You narrowed your eyes and shook your head side to side.

" America, if you put that gag in my mouth I will- Mmpf!" You were cut off as America grinned wildly, grabbed your chin and shoved the gag into your mouth. He leaned back in his chair, getting comfortable and picking up the remote as if he were about to watch T.v. A few Country's had nosebleeds seeing you tied up, and gagged. You were cussing through the gag, unable to say anything clear and just make noise. America grinned at you before holding up the remote and clicking the button on the remote.

You squealed loudly, which was effectively muffled by the gag. Country's all around the room gasped, Draws dropping all around the room. You really couldn't blame them, your choice of characters to draw for these 'steamy pics' were a little bit... out there. Or more like, no one would DARE even imagine the country in question like that... no one except you of course. But really that was only because you had been crushing on him for the longest time. It was more than embarrassing to have your 'steamy' pics of him up on the huge screen for the whole world to see.

Sweden was always such a... well, a really cute guy in your eyes! He and you actually knew each other, and were really good friends. You had gotten use to the glares and such he gave people, that was just his regular face in your eyes. You actually couldn't stop giggling when he sent that glare your way, you found it to be rather funny. Though, one day, you tried imagining Sweden being sexy, and in turn you ended up with pictures that were...well...

Sweden was turned slightly, showing off only half of his bare muscular chest. His golden hair was dripping with water, his eyes sharp and piercing. The only thing he had on was a towel...a very tight towel.He was picking up what looked like a coffee cup. It appeared he had just gotten out of the shower, and the viewer had walked in randomly. Water dripped deliciously down his chest, lower and lower... You only realized you were ogling the picture until you heard cat-calls from other country's. America was laughing, more specifically at you when your face lit up like fireworks. You were giving America a death glare as his laughs turned into giggles when he saw Japan whip out video camera, and Hungary a very expensive looking camera. You shot America a nasty look, your entire being oozing hatred for him. you thought to yourself If you ever got out of these ropes...Revenge will be sweet.

As you were busy thinking of torture techniques, honestly thinking about asking Russia for any particularly cruel methods to torture a man, America flipped to the next picture.

You slammed your forehead down on the conference table with a rather audible 'bang' Oh, how you wanted to disappear right then and there! Sweden was...teasing. His hands dangled down, shoved in his pockets, making it look like his pants were being pulled down dangerously slow. His overly-tight white tank-top (like the one Germany wears) left nothing to the imagination either. His hair was messy, his glasses slightly fogged, yet still giving you a perfect view of his crystal blue eyes which were sparked with lust. The killing point in this picture though, was the out-of-place smirk on the Swedish man's face. You had never seen him smirk, so your imagination got the better of you one day and you ended up with...this.

Needless to say, you flailed violently in your chair, half lunging at America, have ready to explode from the feeling of embarrassment that was boiling in the pit of your stomach. You actually flailed so much, that you knocked your chair over. You managed to direct the fall towards America, where you were able to effectively administer a deadly Head butt to the face. You were rather sure you broke a few bones in his face when you heard a large 'crack!'. America fell back, to your joy, unconscious, and you fell to the side. You loved the fact nobody helped America up, and hated the fact nobody was helping you up either. That was until the person who actually did help you was the last person you wanted to see at the moment.

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