England lemon 2️⃣

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Your face was tinted a shade of pink as you finished the last part of your drawing of Mr. Kirkland, your English teacher. The drawing was quite inappropriate for school, but your mind wandered as Mr. Kirkland was talking.

"(Name)!" Mr. Kirkland shouted.

You squeaked, instantly slamming your notebook with the drawing in it, closed. You looked up, your cheeks a darker shade than before, "Y-Yes, Mr. Kirkland?"

He sighed, "What, exactly, are you doing? Have you not been paying attention to me?"

"W-Well... N-No, but..." You gulped, your cheeks a dark red, "I-I'm sorry, M-Mr. Kirkland..."

"It's alright. Just come after school today, alright?" He said, returning to the board he was writing on before he had called you.

You mentally cursed yourself. Why did he have to be so attractive? He had a head of blonde, messy hair that sat perfectly on his head and it occasionally shone in the light provided by the classroom windows. His eyes were a shade of emerald that would put the gems they were the colour of to shame. You always had gotten lost in them. Then, there were his eyebrows. A lot of people made fun of them, but, you thought that they suited him perfectly. And, his drop dead accent had to have been the best part. You, being the little pervert you were, imagined him whispering seductively in the British accent he had.

You gently shook your head, removing that thought and image from your mind. Hopefully, being after school with him wouldn't be as awkward as you imagined.

*~Timeskip Provided by 2p!England's Cupcakes~*

Your feet shuffled softly across the tiled hallways. You were nervous and there was no use hiding it. Your cheeks were a dark red and your eyes were glued to the floor, your (h/c) locks covering your eyes.

You stood in front of Mr. Kirkland's door, your fist ghosting over the wood of the door. You gulped and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Mr. Kirkland said, his voice slightly muffled by the door.

You cracked the door open and smiled shyly, "M-Mr. Kirkland..? It's (Name)..."

He smiled at you from his desk, a small twinkle in his emerald orbs, "Ah, come in, love."

You walked in slowly and closed the door behind you, "Um... Y-You wanted to talk to me about n-not paying attention in class...?" You stuttered quietly.

He chuckled, something you didn't expect, "Yes I do. You left your notebook in here and, although it goes against my gentlemanly stature, I looked through it."

You widened your eyes, your face turning a new shade of red, "Y-Y-You looked trough it...?! Why..?!"

Mr. Kirkland's lips had moved into a very slight smirk, "I'm curious about you, love."

"E-Excuse me?" You squeaked out.

He chuckled once more, standing up from his desk and walking to the door, locking it, "I'm curious about you. Now, be a dear and sit on one of the desks, please."

Your blush still had not ceased, but you did as you were asked and gently sat on one of the school's desks, smoothing your school skirt down.

His smirk grew a bit more and he smoothly walked over to the desk you were on, then put his hands next to your legs on the desk. The pair glasses he was currently wearing were slightly askew, making him look irresistible.

His lips ghosted over yours and his eyes were half lidded, "You're so interesting, love..."

"I am..?" You asked shyly, accidentally brushing your lips against his.

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