Canda lemon 1️⃣

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As the next song came on the conference room speakers, you wanted to die. (song link in description! )

"AMERICA DOOOOOOOON'T" You squealed, trying to wrench your arms free from the rope that bound your hands. America, as well as everyone else in the room, gave rather confused/blushing faces as they stared up at the VERY HOT picture on the screen.

"Who's that?" A few people asked, including the American who was leaning dangerously close to your ear. You shot him a cold glare.

"Its Canada you dumb ass!" You wanted to scream... one, America had forgotten his brother AGAIN! and two, The picture on the screen was the one of your longtime crush, Canada.

"Oh dear lord _________! My own brother really!?" America turned away from the screen a little. You really couldn't blame him... This was just... well, personally you had to admit it was one of your best pictures but... This wasn't the time and place to gloat about your work... Canada was turned slightly away from the screen, shirtless ( in all his glory, I might add) His hands down the front of his denim jeans, which were clearly unbuttoned and un-zipped, flopping off to the side. Your fingers itched to grab America's throat....

"America, please you didn't find that thumb-drive in the back of-"

"The back of your drawing notebook? Oh yea, I uploaded those pic's first then went onto the drawing notebook. I didn't actually have time to look through those..." He trailed off, pressing the button on the remote again. You thrashed violently in your/America's chair (you were still kinda semi straddling him.) The embarrassment washed over you in buckets as the next picture showed another shirtless Canada, his fingers glistened with Maple syrup which formed a slightly gloppy trail of syrup from his fingers to his mouth, where he was smirking, giving the viewers a wink.

"YOU IDIOT!! Those were my...uh...Special collection pictures!" You shouted kicking him slightly on the knee.

"You have a special collection of naughty drawings YOU drew...of my brother?" Death never sounded so sweet. You blushed, what Spain would compare to be the color of a Tomato and looked away. America chuckled slightly before clicking to the next picture...
"OH! FOR THE LOVE OF MAPLE..." You averted your eyes from the screen as another picture of Canada, who was Butt naked, except for a Canadian flag which was thrown messily around him, almost purposefully only hiding his 'area' showing as much skin as possible. America laughed so hard, you could've sworn he would pass out. Despair silently washed over you. You had over a 100 pictures of Canada on that thumb-drive and if America was going to show all of them all... There was no possible way you could apologize to the Canadian. Scratch that, there was no possible way you could show your face to him NOW, much less ever speak to him from the shame and humiliation if he saw all those other pictures... You suddenly felt like a kid again.

When You, America, Canada were really little, you'd play together all the time. America would tease you all the time about you drawing, saying how stupid they were, or how art was a waste of time. He would constantly tease you until you started to cry, and even then, he would continue to taunt you until you were balling your eyes out. The only time you'd ever seen Canada get really mad was when America teased you till you were balling your eyes out. Then he would go into what you would call 'Hockey Mode'. He would first shout at America, push him down in the dirt, kick him in his privates, and then grab your notebook before going back to you and trying to stem your tears. You always thought of Canada as more of a hero than America could ever be because of that. He turned like that when he was playing actual hockey too, hence the name 'Hockey Mode' You distinctly recall wondering as a child whether he went into 'hockey mode' for anything else other than that...

- end Le flashback -

...You felt exactly as you did when America would tease you when you were little... Ashamed, sad, helpless, and now add humiliation and the disappointment of knowing Canada would probably never, ever even consider you with anything other than distaste now. To be expected, you started to cry. You looked down at your feet, as the shame burned down your cheeks.

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