Hannah The Nurse

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We arrived at the hospital, pretty much running in. We rushed to the front counter and asked what room Audrey was in.

Dang, that nurse looked so familiar. I looked at her name tag that read "Hannah."

I knew her from somewhere, but I just remember quite exactly.

We ran to room 59, and Cameron knocked on the door lightly.

Another nurse opened the door, allowing us to come in.

I looked at Audrey. Tears started filling my eyes as I saw she had a broken arm, along with stitches. The doctor said she was in a stress coma, which is very rare to wake up from.

"So you guys can either wait as long as you want for her to wake up, or we can just 'pull the cord.'"

I looked at Cameron waiting for him to reply.

"We will wait, as long as it takes." he told the doctor.

I sat by Audrey's bed, held her hand, and started to speak to her.

"Audrey Jo Dallas. Please wake up. I love you with all my heart and I don't want to lose you. Your my everything and I don't know what life is without you. You complete me. Please wake up!" I said, with tears filling my eyes. I kissed her forehead and left the room so Cameron, Arabella, Taylor, and Dani could have a turn talking to her.

As I passed by Taylor, a gave him a look as if I didn't want to talk to him because obviously, I don't.

I decided to go talk to that nurse Hannah, and try to remember her.

"Hey!" I said walking up.

"Oh hi! Can I help you?" She said. "Wait, Matt, is that you?"

"Hannah.." I replied in shock.

Hannah was my girlfriend when I was 13. She used to wear glasses, had braces, and was the nerdiest person I've ever seen. But now, she was gorgeous. Straight, red hair. She did her makeup perfectly. I really see something in her.

"Um," I started to say. "Are you doing anything tomorrow night?" I asked.

"Actually, no I'm not! Here's my number." She put her number in my phone.

"Great, want to go to a movie at 7:00?" I asked nervously.

"Sounds good!" She said and walked off.


I woke up in an unfamiliar place. Oh, I was at a hospital. I looked around to see Arabella, Dani, Cameron, Taylor, and Matt surrounded the bed.

"Good morning sunshine!" Dani said.

"You shouldn't move a lot, you have a broken arm in stitches, but you are going home since your awake." Taylor said with a big smile on his face.

"Great." I replied.


We all decided to watch some Disney movies. I was sitting between Taylor and Matt, when I noticed Matt texting some girl named Hannah. Who was this girl?

I shouldn't worry about it, I mean, I have Taylor and that's all that matters. I ,shed my head down on his chest, and fell asleep.


I woke up and checked my phone. I guess I slept in for a while, it was already 2:00. I mean, my doctor did put me on some heavy medication.

I got up and went in the shower, got dressed, did my hair, brushed my teeth, and hopped back on my bed. I basically stayed on twitter until it was 7:00 and someone ringed the doorbell.

I went to go get it but I saw the door was already wide open, with Matt hand in hand with a red head chick. Was this Hannah?

They left and I sat on the counter. "Who was that?" I asked Cameron. "That's his girlfriend, Hannah.

Even though I'm dating Taylor, my heart ripped into pieces.

I gulped.

"Matt has a girlfriend?"

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