Say a Word

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I woke up and saw matt sleeping in the chair beside me. He looked very uncomfortable.

I took one of my pillows nudged him. He opened his eyes and told me thank you.

Man his morning voice sounded very familiar.

I went back to sleep and a few hours later I was woken up by one of the doctors.

"Hunny, I'm just going to give you a shot, and your good to go!"

I looked over at my phone found out it was almost 5:00pm.

The lady gave me a shot, then I got up, and grabbed some clothes, and went to the bathroom.

I put on some skinny jeans, a brown long sleeve shirt, and my black vans. I walked out, and Matt helped me into my wheelchair. We got a cab, and went back to where ever we came from. I guess we were going to a hotel!

Once we got there, Matt and I got into the elevator, went up a few floors, and he pushed me down the hallway.

I saw (I think their names were) Kenzie and Laila. They told me hey, and that they liked my shirt.

"Okay, well this is our hotel room. Are you ready for our date? I mean, we leave in 10 minutes.."

I looked at the time. It was 6:50pm.

"Uh, okay." I said.

We went downstairs to the lobby, and headed to a restaurant.

"Wow, this is fancy Matt." I told him.

"It may be fancy, but it's not expensive!"

I giggled.

"Table for two?" The waitress asked, and lead us to our table.

She gave us a menu and left.

I looked down at it, and man was this food expensive. Matt said it wasn't. I guess he has lots of money.

"I think I'm going to get the--"

"Chicken enchiladas... You always used to order that when we came here." Matt said.

I tried so hard to remember before... memories when I was little, but I just couldn't remember anything. All I remember is waking up from the hospital bed... I guess that's my first memory now.

The waitress came back and Matt told her our orders.

While we were waiting for the food, I decided to make a conversation so it wouldn't be so awkward.

"Sooo.... I have a brother?"

"Yeah, Cameron." Matt answered.

"What's he like?" I asked.

He paused a moment, then began to speak.

"Well, he's funny, sweet, and a great friend. He is also an amazing brother."

I smiled at the thought of having such a nice and sweet brother.

"I can't wait to actually talk to him"

The food came to our table, then we ate so fast. I guess we were really starving.

"Woah, slow down princess!"

Then I remembered Matt...

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