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I woke up at 4:30am, ready to leave. I am disappointed about leaving my family and friends, but I just have to do it. If I had never met Matt, this wouldn't happen. But also if I hadn't met Matt, I wouldn't have such great memories here in Virginia.

I brushed my hair, teeth, and got dressed. Then, I grabbed my suitcases, and walked downstairs to the living room.

I said my goodbyes to my family, and drove to the airport. I heard I was moving in with this girl named Ryan, who lived alone in her own house.

Once I had got to the airport, the lady in the speakers called my flight number, and I got on my plane.

I was surrounded by an old man and a little girl, which was quite disturbing, because the girl kept yelling and crying, and the old man kept coughing.

I put my earphones in my ears, and fell asleep. I always like taking naps on planes, it's so peaceful with you have music.

A couple hours later, I was awaken by the man beside me, and I thanked him.

I found my suitcases, and pulled them up to my car. I out them in my trunk, and started to drive where the GPS told me Ryan's house was.

After a good 45 minute drive, I arrived at a decent looking home.

I walked up to the door, and rang the doorbell. A young girl with bright red hair answered the door, and asked,

"Are you Audrey?" And I nodded my head.

"Well, your furniture was already delivered here. I put them in an empty room, beside mine. Would you like me to give you a house tour?" She asked.

"Sure." I said, and we walked inside.

It was a very nice looking home, indeed, but I was barely paying attention. All I could think about was what everyone was doing and thinking at home.

When she got done, she asked,

"So, why did you move down here to Florida?"

"Well, my boyfriend, Matthew Espinosa, never told me he was going back on tour for Magcon. Last time he went on Magcon, I got tons of hate, and I was so miserable because he was gone for 2 months. During the moment he was gone, my two old best friends ganged up on me and bullied me! You know, everything is based on him." I replied.

"Well, it seems from my point a view that you still love him." Ryan said.

"I know I do, but I will get over it. I will probably meet someone new here and move on right away." I said, and she smiled.

"Oh yeah, there are a bunch of good looking guys down here." She said, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

I laughed, then went back to my car, and brought my suitcases to my room. I out all my clothes spin the closet, and everything else where they were going to be kept.

Since my phone was dead, I had out it on the charger. When it started charging, I checked my texts.

Matt-Where are you..?

Laila- Gonna miss you Bae.


Cameron- Miss you already sis.

Matt- I could of just quit Magcon for you.

Ugh, I feel so guilty! But I don't want him to just ignore he I fans, he needs to go on that tour. And maybe it's just the best for both of us. Maybe we will both meet someone new and move in perfectly with our lives?

I decided to text Matt back, so he wouldn't think I'm ignoring him.

To: Matt
It's the best for both of us.

2 seconds later, he had already replied.

From: Matt
Maybe for you, not for me.

Oh my gosh, he just doesn't understand, does he?

To: Matt
Yes, it is. You have fans waiting for you, and that love you. They don't want you to be in a relationship. And I, get hurt when you are gone, because I miss you. We need to move on with our lives, and meet new people.

From: Matt
Whatever you say. But no one could ever replace you, princess.

Jeez, 'princess' will be the death of me. It's so sweet when Matt says it but oh, it just makes me want him again.

I put my phone on my dresser, and went to the kitchen to get some food. Ryan was already in there, pouring her some Pepsi.

"So, when is your birthday?" She asked.

"This weekend," I replied.

"OMG! We are so throwing a party for you." She exclaimed.

"Eh, I suppose it wouldn't be so bad, I mean, it would give me a chance to meet some people."

"Yeah. Tomorrow, we can go shopping for some stuff for the party, then I can have you talk to John."

"John? Who's John?" I asked.

"He is this really cute boy that is single, and he looks like a great match with you." She said.

"Okay, sounds good." I said, and went back to my room with a glass of Coke in my hand.

A new boy in my life, huh? This is going to be different.

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