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"Okay, are you ready to go?" Matt asked.

"Uh, yeah. I have everything." I said.

I put my things by the door, then walked over to Ryan. She said that she couldn't come because college is this weekend and she doesn't want to miss it. For me, I'm going to college back in Virginia with all the others.

"Bye Ryan, wish you could come." I said, and hugged her.

"I wish I could too. But, text me everyday!" She told me, and I nodded my head.

I grabbed my suitcases, and walked to Matt's car. We weren't taking a plane, so we were just driving up to Virginia.

On the way there, Matt started golfing my hand, tightly, as if he were afraid somehinf was going to happen, but I was okay with it. I liked how protective he was. Matt can be like a big brother sometimes, and be your boyfriend. It's so sweet.

I laid my west back, and closed my eyes. I wanted to take a nap since this was going to be a long car ride.


"Audrey, wake up. We're here." Matt said, and my eyes opened right away. I know this was my hometown, and I grew up here, but when your gone, it feels like you've been gone forever. So it's pretty nice to be back.

I grabbed my bags from the trunk, and walked inside of my house.

"HUG ME SISTA!!!" Cam yelled, and I jumped in his arms. This was his favorite part from Drake & Josh, only that he had to switch it from brother, to sister, since he didn't have a brother.

"I know it's been 3 days, but I've missed you a lot. And mom misses you too." Cameron said, and put me down.

"Speaking of mom, where is she?" I asked.

"On another business trip. She is very disappointed she had to leave back to work right away, but she said to wish us luck at college tomorrow."

COLLEGE! Oh my gosh, is I forgot to sign up for a class. I know I was only sixteen, but I am in all advanced classes, along with all of my other friends.

I ran upstairs to my room, and opened my laptop right away. I went on the college website, logged in, and looked around. They were excepting the choices for classes until midnight tonight, so I can sign up right now.

Matt walked in my room, and laid down beside me on my bed, looking at my computer.

"What class are you taking?" He asked.

"Acting class!" I said, and confirmed on the website that I wanted to take that class.

"I'm so glad, because I am too!" He said. At least I won't be alone with complete strangers.

I messaged all my friends, and asked them what class they were taking. Within a few minutes, they all responded.

Kaylee: Photography.

Aaron: Marine Biologist.

Laila: Psychologist.

Shawn: Singer.

Cameron: Actor

Kenzie: Marine Biologist.

Matt: Actor.

Becca: Singer.

Carter: Actor.

Alicyn: Dancer.

Raelynn: Actor.

Taylor: Engineer.

Nash: Actor.

Hayes: Football.

Me: Actor.

Dang, I guess most of us had our minds focused on acting for the future. All the others had some interesting careers.

"Don't you need to pack?" Matt asked.

"No, I'm already packed from Ryan's house." I said, and he nodded his head.

It was getting late, so Matt and I said our goodbyes, and he left.

I'm excited, but nervous at the same time for college. This is everyone's big moment in life, besides, I'll be here for 4 years for acting school. I'm just glad I'm not the only one going in that class, and most of my friends are coming.

I brushed my teeth, and closed my eyes.

I just can't stop thinking about what's going to happen tomorrow.

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