Memory Back.

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"Woah, slow down princess!"

Then I remembered Matt....

"MATT!!!" I yelled, and got up and hugged him.

I knew so many eyes were on me right now, but I didn't care.

"I remember now! I remember the first day we started dating, and you called me princess. I remember when I thought 'I can get used to that!' Oh Matt, I remember all our memories. I love you so much."

Tears were rolling down my face. Tears of joy.

"Audrey, I love you too." He said, and kissed my lips.

I pulled back from the kiss, and said,

"And thanks of you, I remember all of the others!" I said, still hugging him.

This was a miracle. Not 2 minutes ago, I had memory loss, not knowing anything what happened in the past. Now, I remembered everything. Every, single, detail.

Matt and I walked over to the car. He opened the door for me, and I got in. On the way back to the hotel, we were both singing (terribly like idiots) to All Of Me by John Legend.

We walked into the building, hand in hand. Once we got to the hotel room, we started to pack, since we had to leave early in the morning to get on our flight.

The next city Magcon was traveling to, was Cali. I can't wait to go, I heard it's such an amazing place to visit.

Right now we are in Tampa, so it will be a long plane ride. We had to wake up at 2:00am.

I looked over at the time it was 8:00pm. I put on my pajamas and laid down in the bed. Man, was I tired.

I was scrolling through twitter, and this time, no hatred comments. That is good, I didn't want to deal with that mess again.

I'm glad I will be out of this wheelchair by the time we start the Magcon event in Cali, I don't want people to know what happened.

How did they even find out about my relationship with Taylor in the past..? And hoe did they find out about Nash liking me.

Why did they say I ditched Nash when I never dated him? Ugh, I have to find out who spilt all this news.

I walked over to Taylor & Nash's room in my crutches, and knocked on the door.

Taylor opened the door.

"May I come in?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah sure." He replied, and I walked in.

I sat on the bed, and began to speak,

"I know this isn't a good time to ask, but was it one of you who told them about my relationship with Taylor and with me 'ditching' Nash? I mean, they know you like me too."

Taylor looked so confused. But Nash, he looked pretty worried.

"Nash..." I said.

"I'm sorry Audrey!" He started. "Some fan asked me if I liked you and I told her yes. Then she asked me if you've dated any of the boys before and I didn't want to lie so I told her the truth. She was being very rude and tweeted a lie about you ditching me, I tried to stop her, but I couldn't. She already tweeted by that point!"

Nash now was pacing back and forth across the room, with his hands in his face. Then he sat down, and you could here him crying.

"I'm sorry Audrey." He said, with his eyes very red and puffy.

I sat next to him, and hugged him.

"Nash it's okay." I told him.

"No it's not. Look where I've got you now! Hurt, in a wheelchair. You don't know how sorry I am, I love you so much and to see you hurt like this, hurts my heart."

I didn't know what to say. I was speechless. He was hurt from seeing me hurt. He cared a lot for me, but so did Matt. Matt is my boyfriend, but Nash is my..... ugh I don't know. I think I love both of them.

"Nash." I said.


"I'm going to lay down, but before I go to bed, I'm going to tell you something important. If Matt and I didn't like each other, I would be madly in love with you." I said.

I kissed his cheek and left the room.

Jeez, crutches hurt your pits so much.

I walked in the room and laid down next to Matt.

"What did you go over there for?" He asked, and turned over to face me.

"To figure out how the tweets started." I said, and closed my eyes.

"Oh," he said. "I love you Audrey."

I took a little while to respond.

"I love you too Matt." I said, and went to sleep.

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