Chapter 8

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Please don't copy my idea I swear I'll continue the book and make a sequel-


No spoilers

School started and I have like, two other accounts but ima try and focus more on this one and the other one on here.

[Third person pov | The streets of Konoha]

"Do you even know how to throw a kunai?" Ibiki asked the dwarf on his shoulder. They were in a ninja weapons shop, and neither had the slightest clue what they were supposed to get. Ibiki had never had to take care of a child before. Or he hadn't since his brother. "What the fuck is a kunai?" Edryn questioned, cleaning out her ear with her pinkie. "I'm guessing no." He grumbled, moving on in search of something Edryn recognized. 

"Just get me to a blacksmiths station and gimme a chunk o' metal. I'll go t' town." Edryn said. "You know how to make weapons, but you don't know what a kunai is?" Ibiki snorted. "I know what a sword is, and I know it can shop of yer balls." Edryn said. Ibiki went silent, huffing. Edryn was only a child, but she was a scary child. He didn't want to get on her bad side in any way, shape or form. He was sure he could take her if it came to it, but the girl wouldn't go down with a fight.

"Do you know how to use these?" Ibiki held up a few shuriken. "No." Edryn said bluntly, looking around for a weapon she recognized. None of the ninja tools around her seemed to stand out. She recognized the katanas hanging on the wall, although her family never made any like that. They specialized in bows, arrows, broad swords and daggers. It was rare that they made knives for throwing, or swords meant for a ninja or samurai. 

"Tch, this is a waste of time." Ibiki sighed. "I can't disagree with yah there, jumbo. Say, I recognize those. Spiked gloves an' all." Edryn said. Ibiki's gaze snapped to see where she was pointing. He deadpanned. "I doubt they have any in your size, brat." He told her. "What would yah call those then?" She questioned, an irk mark on her face as she pointed to the very first bin of them. Ibiki stared. 

"...They must be stretchable."

"...You're probably 'ight." 

[Third person pov | Children's clothing shop]

"What th' fuck is this shit?" Edryn asked. "I believe it's called clothing." Ibiki sighed. "This is for children I tell yah! Children! Do I look like a feckin' child to yah?!" She asked. Ibiki opened his mouth to answer, but he didn't get the chance to. The female dwarf cut him off. "Y'know what, don't answer that. I ain't wearing this bullshit, so you can just ferget it." She said. "F-Ferget." Ibiki sputtered in response. "Shut th' feck up yah imbecile!" Edryn punched him in the head as he laughed.

"What if we get dark colors?"

"I thought I told yah to shut it."

"I fergot."

Edryn punched him again.

[Third person pov | Two hours later | Still the children's clothing shop]

"Fine, I'll do yer plain sherts and lil' ninja shorts if that'll make yah stop naggin' me." Edryn sighed. "Sherts." Ibiki whispered, snickering. "Shut the feck up." The dwarf ordered grumpily. "Do you want any skirts?" Ibiki questioned. "Sure. It throws people off their guard. Then, I can strike when they least expect it." Edryn grinned, rubbing her hands together. Ibiki deadpanned at the girl. "Alright, alright." He grabbed a few. "Can we get outta here now? I'm gettin' bored." Edryn whined. "You sure sound like a child." Ibiki rumbled as he placed the pile of tangled clothing on the counter. The cashier looked confused and a little scared. 

"Call me a child one more time and I'll bash yer skull in with yer own fist." Edryn threatened. "And how would you do that?" Ibiki asked, amused. "My gettin' yer fucking hand and smashin' yer head in with it." The cashier definitely looked started before, not knowing how such a small child could speak so clearly, and be so vulgar. "But how would you take me down?" Ibiki questioned. "With my own two fists, 'at's how." The girl responded.

The cashier bagged the clothes, nearly forgetting to ask Ibiki for money. The large man payed, grabbed the bags, and he and Edryn were off. Edryn purposely talked his ear off, but Ibiki found himself getting used to it. Edryn was actually growing on him in some odd way, but he didn't mind. He sort of enjoyed the company.

"Holy fuck. Everyone's so fuckin' tall. You're like feckin' trees or somethin'."


"Shut up you dolt."

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