Chapter 12

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Reading this chapter, I want you to let me know if I need to tone down the accent in Edryn's thoughts. I know trying to read it in long strings can be hard.

Also, do NOT put translations in the comments. There is nothing that annoys me more. I don't really take shit, so I'll probs just delete your comment. If it keeps happening though, I'm probs gonna block you. Don't take it personally. I'm just on my period and shit so-


[Edryn's pov | Iruka's classroom]

Lunch came quicker than expected, but 'at might just be because I wuz late. It only took me 'bout five minutes ta realize I hadn't brought nothin' to eat, and I'm sure yah can imagine I wazn't too happy 'bout that. I eat a lot for someone my size. If you don't believe meh when I say I can eat a whole feckin' horse, then 'ou can go feck yourself in a shed six ways from sundown, 'cause I don't c're about yer opinion. Th' only opinion I care 'bout is my own, and my own ain't worth much if we're bein' totally honest. 

"Edryn-chan, do you want some of my rice?!" Naruto asked loudly over th' loud talkin' everyone waz doin' as the exited th' classroom. They're probably babblin' about some dumb shit. Gossip, or somethin'. Sasuke hadn't gotten up either. I think he's waitin' for me t' get off his bag, but that ain't happenin' anytime soon. I clearly need this thing, so he can go suck a dick if that annoys 'im. He let me borrow the damn thing, aye? "I can't take yer food, yah orange blob of whatever th' fuck artificial shit yer jacket's made of." I waved 'im off, lettin' out a yawn. I didn't get all 'at much sleep last night, even with th' nest I made. "But you don't have any food, believe it." Naruto wasn't nearly as loud now 'at most of th' other brats had filtered out.

"Hn." I turned to Sasuke. "Hun, did I ask you? Because I don't remember acknowledgin' yer chicken ass of a head. Don't interrupt, yah rude." I snapped at his bitch ass, turnin' back to the grinnin' Naruto who let out what I serposed was a laugh. It was more of a' honk if we're bein' specific here. "Why're 'ou still here?" I asked 'im as he slid his food outta his bag. It was in a' giant dingy box made outta some plastic shit er somethin'. "Because I'm sharing my food with you. You need to eat or you'll die, believe it!" Naruto stressed. I gave 'im a drawl stare, lettin' 'im know his bullshit wasn't appreciated. "Hn." Sasuke let out anuther grunt, this one louder. I turned to 'im with narrowed eyes. 

"Th' fuck do yah want now?" I hissed at th' pubescent garbage before me. "My food." Sasuke nodded t' th' bag I was a' sittin' on. I deadpanned at this fuckin' idiot. "Why the fuck didn't yah say so, yah dolt?" I slid off th' lumpy ass sack of scrap, shovin' it his direction. He took it calmly, although I think he was glarin' a bit harder than before. "Hn." This cockmuppet needs a' god damn dictionary to expand 'is horizons er whutever. I swear this shitstick only knows around forty words er so, probubly less. But 'at ain't my fault. He just needs t' jump back a few grades or so. 

"Pick up a feckin' dictionary, would yah? You're wearin' that gruntin' thing out." I told 'im before turnin' back to the orange-twat. He had set a couple o' riceballs in fronta me and looked exited. "I made them myself." He told me with shinin' eyes. He kinda looked like a' puppy or somethin' akin to it. Maybe th' gaze of a' really brain-damaged baby sheep would be a' better way t' describe th' look he gave me. "Oh, great. I'm gonna get food poisonin' on mah first day. What'll the scarred fuck-face say about 'at?" I mumbled to myself, gazin' at th' food with an almost sad look. Naruto's excited expression didn't falter like I 'ought it would. 

I 'eard a pop as Sasuke opened 'is food, and I turned t' him with an annoyed look. Why th' fuck is this buttmunch still within' ten feet of my tiny ass? The entire room is liturally empteh, and he's chosen t' sit next ta' me. "Why're 'ou still here?" I questioned, raisin' my eyebrows. "Yeah, Sasuke? Why're you still here?" Naruto backed me up, which I serpose is better than him not backin' me up. Although, 'is insult game is weak as feckin' shit. "Hn, can't I eat my lunch?" He questioned in a' depressin' as shit monotone voice. My nose scrunched up. "Feck yeah yah can, just no here." I made a shooin' motion with m' hands. He didn't move.

"Whatever. Let's just ignore him. I have to tell you about this super cool ramen stand!" Naruto exclaimed. "Please don't." I requested. "It's called Ichiraku Ramen! It's the best ramen stand in the entire world, believe it!" He exclaimed, waving his hands around. I caved a crammed a riceball in mah face. It wasn't as bad as I 'ought it would be, but I'm still purdy sure I'm gonna get poisoned by it. "I told 'ou not t' fuckin' tell me." I repeated. "You have to try their Miso ramen, and their pork. Oh, their beef too!" Naruto continued, either ignorin' or not hearin' me. I let out a small groan, but didn't move. Sasuke continued to silently munch on 'is food behind meh. 

Feckin' weirdos, these two. 

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