Chapter 10

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Is this story moving too slow, too fast or okay? 

[Third person pov | Edryn's room]

Ibiki didn't know what the hell he was looking at, but it was a little terrifying. Edryn had formed a sort of... nest out of the blankets given, and some from the hall closet. Most had been ripped up or torn so they'd curve better. Ibiki could barely make out Edryn's tiny form from within the pile, but he could tell she hadn't put on pajamas, or taken off her hat. He could see that while short, her pale locks had gotten tangled. Even when sleeping, her posture was stiff. Ibiki felt a little bit of pity well up inside him. Even if crude and vulgar, Edryn was still only a child. 

"Edryn, it's time to-" Edryn rolled over so fast that Ibiki had no time to blink, her tiny foot whipping out of the covers. Ibiki barely had time to realize she'd also worn her boots to bed before the foot connected with his manhood, sending him into a world of pain. He bent over in pain, his hands flying down. "Let me sleep." She had already rolled over, burrowing back under the blankets. Ibiki chocked a little, nearly sinking to the ground as his knees threatened to buckle. 

"Edryn... you little... brat!" He reached forward to grab at her only to get a fist full of blankets. He growled, reeling as he stood up. He had to grab the dresser for support as he regained his balance. His eyes narrowed into slits, his teeth gritting together. He couldn't believe this little brat! He'd get her out of there if it was the last thing he did.

-Five minutes later-

"Let go of me, yah over-sized bag of horse dung!"

"You're already late, you little brat!"

"Did yah wanna die, mate?! I'll take yah any day of th' week!" 

-Half and hour later-

"This is th' academe then?" Edryn asked from her place on Ibiki's shoulder. "Academe?" He asked, amused. He was still a little a little upset about being kicked in the balls, but he supposed he understood. Being woken up by a stranger you don't really like all that much probably isn't all that delightful. He was really trying to see it from her point of view, as she was going to be staying with him a while. Or that's what he assumed, at least. 

"I really don't wanna go in there." Edryn said. "You don't have a choice." Ibiki told her. "Excuse me? I always have a' choice, yah lil' shit head." Edryn said. "Oh, I'm the little one now?" Ibiki scoffed. "I wasn't referrin' to yer stature, just yer dick." Edryn slid off his shoulder, landing softly on the ground. Ibiki gaped. Her comebacks, in all honesty, were fire.

"Go down the first hallway on your left, third door on the left." Ibiki said gruffly as she shuffled towards the door. "Feck you." She spun around, walking backwards into the door and pushing it open as she flipped him the bird. Ibiki deadpanned at the small girl. She was a rather spicy one, that one. He hoped she wouldn't cause too much trouble in her new class. He also hoped nobody insulted her height, or her in general. Not for Edryn, but for their own sake. 

Edryn rolled into that academy like she owned the place, striding down the hall as smoothly as her short, uncoordinated legs would allow. She wasn't used to walking on such flat surfaces yet, as the mountains had always been quite rocky. Although she didn't show her discomfort as her feet landed on the solid, smooth ground. She glared at anyone who passed her, her grey skirt swishing around her thighs. She adjusted her navy sweater, pulling lightly at her yellow scarf. She had refused to take off her beanie this morning, and still wore her rain boots rather than the ninja sandals purchased for her.

Edryn didn't bother knocking, she just shoved the door open and tromped right into the room, which immediately went silent. Edryn's nose scrunched up. These people were really her age? They were so... so tall. So limber and lanky. She found that she didn't like it. She wanted to be taller. Once, she had taken pride in her height. Now it was simply a bother. Oh well, she supposed she would still defend it. She couldn't change what she looked like anyway.

"Ah, hello there! Are you lost?" Edryn found the pink-haired girl's voice to be very annoying, and way too sweet. "Who's that, Sakura?" Someone asked. Edryn peered left. A girl with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes peered over the back of her seat, gaining the attention of a majority of her classmates. Everyone scrambled for a look. A few girls awed at her, clearly thinking Edryn was a child, even if her face wasn't as young looking as it should have been. 

"Th' hell I'm lost. Ibiki said this was m' classroom, so this's probably m' classroom." Edryn's voice made them all flinch. She didn't sound like a child. "Oh, is that our new student?" Iruka's head popped out above the crowd. "No, I'm just some random ass stranger that crawled out of th' feckin' sewer and waltzed on in here." Edryn scoffed. Gasps erupted throughout the room, and people recoiled. This wasn't a child.

"A-Ah, we don't use such language here... um, perhaps you'd like to come introduce yourself?" Iruka stuttered, surprised. "Not really, but I'm guessin' you weren't really askin'." Edryn scoffed, starting down the stairs. People stared after her, not sure how they were supposed to react. What was this thing? "Why're you so short?!" Naruto gasped loudly. Sakura glared. That was probably a sensitive question! but of course, Naruto was rude. As always.

Edryn stopped and looked at him, grinning. "Well," She jabbed a thumb into her chest. "Yah see, I'm a dwarf, yah walkin' piece of or'nge garbage."

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