Chapter 1

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Crashsite Alpha

The first thing I see is sparks flying from a broken control panel from across the room. I realized that I probably got knocked out during the impact on the planet's surface. And probably the only survivor still on this ship if the others haven't gotten out already.

"Easy 'laska. You were out for three days." The black mini version of Beta appears by my head.

Three days.. "Beta. Where are we?" I groan as I slowly get myself off the floor.

"We are on the planet Chorus. I managed to pick up a few transmission and apparently this planet is in the middle of a civil war." She replies.

"Beautiful.." I muttered.

"Want some more news?"

I sigh. "Hit me."

Beta pulls up the ship's log. "The ship was cut in half."

"How is that even possible..?"

"Beats me. My guess is that the mountain was pretty sharp.."

I checked around for any of my weapons beside my lightsaber. "Yea, I've come to the conclusion that I hate mountains."

"And everyone we know was on the other half that we weren't on."

I stop searching and look at Beta. "So you're saying that we are on our own?"

"Pretty much."

"Great! Anything else wonderful that I should know?" I ask, clearly annoyed about how bad this situation is: separated from my old and new friends along with an empty stomach.

"But... This half of ship had the Armory. We could easily get some supplies and possibly try to find our friends."

Finally some good news. "Well what are we waiting for? Lead the way." I order.

"Uploading map into hub... Now." A map with directions appears on the corner of my hub.

"Thanks." I pull out and light my lightsaber. I have to assume that my SMGs and Sniper were lost when the ship came down. I wish that I knew how to properly use it though. But it have to do until we get to the Armory where I hope to get my stuff back.

I walk cautiously through the crashed ship. Surprisingly, it was clean besides the boxes and sparks flying from broken wires.

"This doesn't seem right.." I say quietly. "Usually a crashsite would be a bit more cluttered than this."

"I'm picking up heat signatures on your thermals." Beta warns. "I can't tell what it is yet but it could just be a fire or scavengers.

I sigh. "How long more until the Armory?"

"Just a few more meters."

After what seemed like years, we finally reached the door of the Armory.

"Hallelujah we are here." I put my back against the wall and slumped down to the floor. I'm so tired from walking, not to mention that I didn't eat anything since three days ago..

"You know, we could of just teleported here." Beta points out.

I facepalm and groan. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Exercise is good for you." Beta says. "You haven't walked in three days. It helps the muscles in your leg get used to running and walking again."

"Ugh fine." Sometimes I hate when she's right. I get up and go into the Armory..

To find it mostly empty.

"This should be full of stuff! Everything is just now.. almost gone." I did a quick inventory of the place. Only a few BRs, Magnums, and Assault Rifles were left. And there was not a lot of ammo to go with them either.

"Guess you're going to have to get some basic weapons." My A.I. smirks.

"Hey, a BR isn't a basic weapon."

"Your right. It's a standard weapon that jams a lot."

"Shut up. That was only one time." I hate not having my weapons but in this situation: a soldier has to adapt.

Even if it means not having my persinal weapons.

I grab a Magnum and a BR along with as much ammo as can carry. I also found some rations which were very welcoming to my stomach. I was about to do a final check when Beta picked up more heat signature outside the ship and confirmed that it was scavengers.

"Let's go pay them a lovely visit shall we?" I load up my new BR and head out. With Beta's guidance and BR in hand, I found the exit... And two soldiers in gray armor talking to each other.

I crouch behind a crate and listened.

"Is that the last of them?" One of them ask.

"Nah. All that's left is the Battle Rifles and Assault Rifles."

"The Boss will be happy with this." The first one says.

"And we will get more money." The second soldier punches his comrade's arm who laughs.

I came out of my hiding place, pointing my gun at them. "Hands where I can see them." I ordered.

Both instantly stop and whip out their own guns. They were weird and glowed orange. Almost.. alien.

"Well look who we have here?" The first soldier slightly lowers his weapon.

The second soldier does the same thing. "Looks like we got a stowaway trying to be scary and tell us what to do." He smirks.

"I don't want any trouble. Just tell me where the heck am I and where the other half of the ship is." I demanded.

"Who are you to tell us what to do?" The first soldier asks. "Are you one of those Freelancer Agents?

"Oh my gosh, I'm shaking in my armor." Taunted second soldier.

In response, I shot him in the knee cap. He falls to the ground screaming in pain. His partner tries to shoot me but I teleport behind him and punched him in the face. He falls to the ground, clearly knocked out.

"Tom? TOM!!" The wounded knee cap soldier tries to wake up his partner. Then he notices a gun aimed at his forehead. "Uhhh.."

"To answer one of your questions: Yes, I am a Freelancer."

He gulps.

"Now tell me: Who's your boss and what are you going to do with all this equipment?" I ordered. The soldier shrinks in fear, clueless whether or not to answer.

"To answer your first question: That would be me."

I quickly pulled out my Magnum and pointed it at the owner of the voice. It was a soldier in steel armor with orange trim.

"And your second question: you are not allowed to know. That's classified. I'm sure you know what classified means right little Freelancer?" He smirks.


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