Chapter 15

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Armonia - Downtown
Agent Washington POV

I walk into my apartment and toss my helmet onto the table. I had a meeting with the crew and it was decided that Kimball will lead an attack on Crashsite Alpha, Carolina will take an away team to a place they found on a strange map, and Doyle will stay behind to guard the Capital. The reason why I am here in my apartment is to tell Alaska the plan.

Well.. was going to tell her the plan.

I found her sleeping on the couch with Hope, our new little addition, curled up beside her. Two of my favorite things all in the same place. Well I guess I can't tell her the plan now so I softly call to Beta who appears in front of them.

"What's up?" She asked.

I explained to her the plan and she nods. "I'll tell her. Good luck."

"Thanks." I reply. I kiss the top of my lover's head. She slightly stirs in her sleep but doesn't wake up.

"Agent Washington, the cars are getting ready for the assault." Andersmith says through my helmet comm. I quickly pick up my helmet and put it on. "This is Wash, I'm on my way." I quietly grab my BR and left.


Agent Alaska POV

I wake up to a furry paw batting my head. Hope, Wash's and I's new kitten, looks up at me with her big blue eyes. I pet her head and yawned then Beta appears with her arms crossed.

"Wash wanted me to tell you that he was going with Kimball and the Reds to attack Crashsite Alpha." She reports. "And that Doyle needs you like right now."

I jump off the couch and quickly start to prep my guns. "You could of waked me up sooner?" I asked. 

"You needed the sleep A. You haven't been getting the rest you needed lately." Beta counters.

Once everything was in check and gave Hope to Dr. Gray (and praying she won't kill Hope), I rushed over to the War Room where Doyle and some of his men were talking.

"You wanted to see me General?" I say.

He looks at me in relief. "Oh thank goodness you are here.. and yes I do."

"What seems to be the problem?" I ask.

The general sighs. "It appears that Carolina and her team found out there is another.. sword key.. on this planet. The problem is that the enemy has pinned down her team along with Kimball's and we don't have enough soldiers to go to both places at once. I don't know what to do.."

"Maybe it's time to get your hands dirty." He looks at me in surprise. "You can send your men to help Carolina and Kimball while you and I can go to the temple to get the key. Lopez and Donut can drop us off while another ship gets Carolina."

"Alright." He reluctantly agrees and nods his head to his soldiers who run off to get the Pelicans ready. He looks back at me. "If I die-"

"You won't die." I assured him. "How hard will it be?"


Temple of the Key

"You just had to say that?" Beta sighs. Beta and I were on lookout while Doyle gets the key and guess who decides to show up?


There was another guy with him. I don't recognize him but apparently he likes sharks.. hence the shark theme Assault Rifle.

"Sir, you may want to hurry up in there." I radioed Doyle.

"I'm on my way out as we speak." He whispers. Then the sound of Felix cursing rang in our comms. "Oh oh Lord. Of all the people on this planet, why am I the only one down here with this.. thing?!" Doyle whines.

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