Chapter 4

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Journal entry 307

Last time I did this was back at the Project right before everything when down hill. I really should keep track of my entries more often.

So I was accepted into the Elite Squad of Epic Mercs, as Felix likes to call it, as Ghost a few days back. The soldier mercs respect me and follow my orders without hesitation. It's good but I think they are doing it for the money. Sure I get a cut in the pay, but I don't really care about the money. All I care about is that my friends are safe.

Which reminds me: Carolina's plan. I don't like it at all. Not. At. All. I have to gain the boys' complete trust. Locus shouldn't be that hard because we get along quite well. He's kind of like North but in his Locus way. Tough on the outside but a true softie once you get to know him. Felix.. well that part is going to suck.

In order to gain his trust, I'm going to have to.. "ditch" Wash for Felix. I realllyyy hate this part of the plan so much. Even with a passion. But Carolina is the boss and she's always gets her missions done and is successful 99% of the time so I'm just going to have to suck it up. For now...

I hope that Wash doesn't think that I'm actually done with our relationship. I miss my Wash. I want him here. But things take time.. so I have to be patient and follow through with C's plan. That I hate so very much.

"So much hate in this entry." Beta commented.

"You know as much as I do why I hate the plan right?"

"Yep." She pops the p.

My comm goes off. "This is Ghost."

"Ghost you are needed in the training area." Locus says. "Felix is trying to teach some soldiers some knife skills and is having no luck. I can't stay so good luck."

I sigh. "On my way Locus."

I grab my helmet, lightsaber, and my trusty steel and yellow Combat knife and head out to the training area. I pass by Carolina aka Lina who gives me a small nod.


And there's my cue to hurry up and save some poor space mercs from death by a Felix. I walk in and see 5 soldiers shifting in uneasiness in front of some targets plus an angry Felix.

I walk over to Felix. "What's going on?"

"Oh hey Ghost." He says angered. "Just trying to teach these worthless soldiers how to use a knife properly."

I roll my eyes and asked the class. "So what exactly is Felix trying to teach you? You have permission to speak freely."

"He is trying to teach us how to throw a knife." One of the soldier spoke up.

I look over at Felix. "Throwing a knife huh?" I look back at the soldiers. I took out my knife and start tossing it up in the air. "Show me what you know."

"That's the thing ma'am." Another soldier spoke up. "We don't really understand how to do it."



We stare at each other for a solid minute. "Fine.." He walk out on the room.

"Well.. looks like you all in luck." They all perk up. I throw my knife at a nearby target and hit the red bullseye. "Because I will be your new trainer."


It only took an hour to teach each of the mercs and now they are like pros. Hitting each target bullseye every time. They just needed a little guidance and a proper teacher to get it right.

I let them practice on their own for a bit while I stand to the side watching them.

"Looks like Wash taught you pretty well." Beta says, appearing beside me.

"Well he was the best Freelancer at Knife Combat." I say as I watched another Merc hit a bullseye.

"Beta, call Felix down. I think they're ready." I told my A.I.

"On it boss.. He said he's on his way."

"Thanks." I get up from my seat and ordered everyone to stop throwing knifes.

"Felix is on his way." I tell them. "How about we show him that you aren't worthless soldiers like he says?"

I get a room full of cheers. I'm grinning inside my helmet then remembered: these people are the enemy. Sooner or later, I'm going to have to turn my back on them. I shake the thought away because Felix arrived, no helmet this time. I walk to him meeting him halfway. "Felix."

"Ghost. So what do you want to show me?" He crossed his arms and gives me a straight face.

"This." I turn to my soldiers. "Ready positions. All of you."

They all got into a ready position and waited for my next command.

"When I say "mark", hit the bullseye." I ordered.

"Pfft. Hit the bullseye.." Felix mutters.

I give him a look and continued my order. "Ready.. Mark."

All five threw their knives. All five knives hit the bullseye. They stood back at attention, but their eyes gave away their excitement.

"So," I turn back to Felix. "How's that for a group of worthless soldiers?"

Felix shakes his head once and looks at the targets. He does it again and says, "I can't believe what I'm seeing."

Well time to put on a little show.

I nod to my top student and he throws three knifes at me. I catch each one with ease and then proceed to hit the targets I had set up three difficult targets around the training room: one in the corner, one above the targets, and one above Felix.

"Well you should-" I say as threw my two of my knives at the first two targets, always hitting the bullseye. I turn back to Felix. "Duck."

He ducks and I throw my knife at the final target. Bullseye also. "Because they were taught by the best." I finished.

Felix was utterly speechless. He kept on opening his mouth but closes it again.

"Cat got your tongue Felix?" I smirked.

"I'm.. just going to go to my room.." He walks in a daze out of the training room.

"Well done. All of you." I say, grinning inside of my helmet.

"It was you who taught us." One of them said. The rest nodding in agreement.

"Well then I taught you well." I laughed. "If there isn't anymore questions, you are all dismissed."

"Permission to speak ma'am." The female soldier says.


"What's your name and rank?" She asks curiously. "We weren't able to catch your name when Felix was talking to you nor your position."

"I used to be known as a Freelancer." I tell her. My class shifted uneasily making me laugh. "Relax. I'm not going to kill you. But my position here is the same as Locus and Felix."

I see one or two nod their head in understanding. I smile because I know that I'm gaining their respect.

"And my name is Ghost."


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