Chapter 4

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[Skylar's POV]

I ran out of the Lack-Two's house, not exactly knowing where to go.

He just had to say that word right loud! Straight in my face! I hate everything about him, and I still do. I almost strangled him to death, yet he isn't mad at me. No hard feelings from him either. What's wrong with him? What's wrong with me?

Mew, Giratina, Arceus....

Sudddenly I sensed someone was following me. Not "saw", but sensed. Someone breathing, probably a few meters behind me. Probably Silver. Amazing how sharp my senses are, right? No. It's freaking me out.

Go force it in.....

I ran in a random direction, not caring where my feet would take me. I'm afraid. I freaked myself out earlier. Silver saw how I was staring at those kitchen knives earlier. I just got back and it feels like it was only yesterday when I fled from Sinnoh.

Don't let it go,

I stopped running and found myself in what seemed like a lookout place. It had a majestic view of the cities and lands beyond. There were also built-in binoculars on the railing. It's beautiful. Still, none of those will calm me down.

Conceal what you feel........

I leaned on the railing, sighing. Why isn't it easy to forget? Eight months had passed, eight months of learning how to control my emotions. I can't make a sudden outburst though.

Don't let them know.........

Maybe they don't need to know. I'll keep my temper, control my rage and manage my emotions. Then everything will be back to normal.

I hear the other breathing again. And the breathing belongs to the person beside me. So it wasn't Silver after all. Figures why it's so quiet.

"Red," I looked at him. "Why did you follow me?"

He shrugged, looking at the view.

I stared at him briefly for a moment, until he finally shifted his gaze on me. He smiled, making me blush instantly. Good thing it's dark.

"How was your vacation?" he asked, almost like a whisper.

"Fine." I said. No words can describe it accurately though.

We stood there in silence for the next thirty minutes. Neither of us bothered to strike up a conversation.

It was a good thing though, it gave me enough time to gather my thoughts. There shouldn't be anything to worry about. Aqlastic's not making a move so far. And Silver said that no one had heard from it ever since....

Hmm? Why did I bring up Aqlastic all of a sudden? Because that's what it's all about. Every minute of my "vacation" wasn't spent relaxing or trying to forget what happened in the past.

I don't think they need to know.

"Hey Red?"




"For being here, keeping me company, you know."

He nodded.

"I think we should go back now...." I said. This may be a small city, but still. "Which way is Lack-Two's house?"

He took my hand and smiled, leading me the way.

"T-Thanks again..."

"No problem."

Pokémon: Rough Water (Sequel to Finding Red)Where stories live. Discover now